Deadly Borders and Activist Interventions

Deadly Borders and Activist Interventions in the European Migration Space (March 18, 2021, 7pm CET) (Language: English)

Online Roundtable with Natalie Gruber (Border Violence Monitoring Network), Charles Heller (Forensic Oceanography) & Jacob Berkson (Alarm Phone)

Moderator: Valeria Hänsel (Border Monitoring Aegean)

The so-called 'Refugee Crisis' of 2015 turned European borders into closely surveilled zones, where, simultaneously, the migrants' right to move freely has been restricted and violated. Pushbacks in the Mediterranean Sea and at borders across the EU-Turkey migration space caused humiliation, physical injuries and even death of thousands of migrants in recent years. Activists problematize the presence of migrant search and rescue agencies in the migration space, failing to intervene and save lives; but they also went further by introducing their own investigations, search-and-rescue actions and political campaigns. In this event, our speakers will talk about what they understand by activism and intervention targeting the border violence across and at the peripheries of Europe. They will also address questions such as how to deploy the visual analysis and mapping in the investigation of migrant deaths, how to collaborate with other activists and in what ways different activists may communicate with each other and increase the impact of strategic action against the (in)action of state agencies.


This event was part of the ’Hostile Terrain 94 Frankfurt/Main’ exhibition program and organized by the Frankfurt hosting team, namely: H. Pınar Şenoğuz/Malihé Bayat Tork/ Friedemann Yi-Neumann in collaboration with CeMig and the Materiality of (Forced) Migration Research Project (University of Göttingen)

Full titleDeadly Borders and Activist Interventions in the European Migration Space
Publisher’Hostile Terrain 94 Frankfurt/Main’
Media typeUnspecified
Topics Border and Surveillance Technology & Industry, Detention, Deportation & Pushbacks, European Agencies (Frontex, GIZ & Co), Migration Routes & Transport, NGO
Regions Europe

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