Registered office Germany - Oberkochen
Other branches

in more than 50 countries around the world

Industries Optics / Opticselectronics, Semiconductor Technology, Medical Technology, Measurement Technology
Categories research, science, arms
Sources Unspecified

About the company

Carl Zeiss AG is a company in the precision mechanics and optics industry. As a company with a long tradition and world market leader in optical systems, the company was and is extensively involved in equipping military, police and border protection authorities. This ranges from classic binoculars to complex surveillance systems for coasts and land borders to sensor technology used in air and drone defence.

Contribution to the EU border regime

From 2008 to 2011, the Carl Zeiss Optronics subsidiary coordinated the EU research project AMASS with a total budget of almost 5.5 million euros. The aim was to monitor extensive maritime areas with the help of a network of autonomous sensor buoys. In 2012, Carl Zeiss Optronics, together with Cassidian (then the defence division of Airbus) and Rohde & Schwarz, had founded a consortium to make German technology accessible to the Algerian military and border surveillance. Carl Zeiss Optronics was acquired by Cassidian at almost the same time. Both later merged into Hensoldt, which today correspondingly holds the joint shares in the Algerian defence joint venture Scafse, which was jointly founded in 2014. The aim of the cooperation was to improve access to the Algerian border surveillance market, where Zeiss and Cassidain were already active before. One of Hensoldt's export hits on the African continent in particular are the "Spexer" radar systems, which are offered in different versions for land and sea borders. They are largely based on technology from Carl Zeiss. However, with the sale of the "Optronics" division to Cassidian/Hensoldt, Zeiss AG has sold its major shares in armaments and border protection.

Added: Jan. 11, 2024
Last update: Jan. 11, 2024, 1:50 p.m.

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