CEVISIO Software und Systeme

Registered office Germany - Torgau
Other branches


Industries IT
Categories surveillance, biometrics, IT
Sources Unspecified
Website https://www.cevisio.de/

About the company

CEVISIO is a provider of "business software and services for German mid-sized companies" based in Torgau, Saxony. It emerged in 2003 as an independent company from the software department of an IT system house.

Contribution to the EU border regime

In the business area "neighbourhood management/foreigner authorities", it offers a comprehensive system for the registration and administration of refugees, with which, according to its own information (as of 2018), more than 380,000 people were "administered" in over 280 reception facilities. This is done, among other things, by means of chip cards, which are used to record not only information on religious and ethnic affiliations, but also the results of medical examinations, participation in meals, attendance times at the respective facility, etc. The system also provides data interfaces for the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and the foreigners authorities. For these services, the company received the Big Brother Award in the category Administration 2018. In addition to the German Red Cross, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) and the foreigners authorities, the Tafel e.V. is also one of the company's customers, whose users are recorded - less comprehensively - using similar technology. The association Tafel e.V. is a service for socially disadvantaged persons providing them mainly with food donations.

Added: Jan. 11, 2024
Last update: Jan. 11, 2024, 1:52 p.m.

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