CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites)

Registered office France - Ramonville-Saint-Agne
Other branches

Lille (FR), Rabat (MA)

Industries Satellite Technology
Categories surveillance, infrastructure
Sources Unspecified

About the company

The company CLS began in the 1980s as a service provider for global communication and localisation services and has since specialised more and more in satellite-based Earth observation, especially of oceans and inland waters (among other things through strategic acquisitions worldwide). In a (as of May 2021) current image film entitled "For Earth From Space", "Mother Nature" herself puts a three-minute text to humanity into the mouth, according to which the services of CLS would not only protect nature and the environment, but also save people in wars and disasters. Among other things, it says, "They [CLS] stand by you as you explore my resources - and they help you use them well". It goes on to say that the company "monitors all traffic on the oceans and helps you follow the rules". In the video, which is otherwise dominated by nature images, heavily armed soldiers can be seen boarding a ship.

Contribution to the EU border regime

In fact, the company's portfolio, with about 750 employees (as of May 2021), appears to be broadly based and is predominantly civilian. In January 2021, however, it won the SurvSeaNet Web Application tender for a contract worth 1.83 million euros to transmit and process drone images for the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), which cooperates closely with Frontex and is heavily promoting unmanned surveillance of the Mediterranean. The contract runs for an initial period of two years, with the prospect of an extension.

Added: Jan. 11, 2024
Last update: Jan. 28, 2024, 12:03 p.m.

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