Registered office France - Paris
Other branches

Hamburg (DE), Katowice (PL), global

Industries IT
Categories biometrics, AI, big data
Sources Unspecified

About the company

Sopra Steria is a result of the merger of the two French companies Sopra and Steria in 2014. Sopra began as a software company, while Steria was initially active primarily in research and development and increasingly in IT infrastructure. However, from 2000 onwards, both companies acquired other companies on a large scale and expanded their portfolios. Today (as of 2020), Sopra Steria describes itself with "46,000 employees" as a "leading European management and technology consultant" with the goal of "driving digital transformation." The German homepage lists a total of 13 business units, including "Aerospace", "Defence", "Government" and "Homeland Security".

Contribution to the EU border regime

Sopra Steria was involved in the development of the Schengen Information System and the Visa Information System (SIS/VIS) and is currently working with IDEMIA on the development of the Shared Biometric Matching System (sBMS), which will be used to capture the faces and four fingerprints of all EU citizens. Together with everis and Cancom , the company is part of the "ecos consortium", which has been commissioned to modernize the databases of Frontex and eu-LISA for almost half a billion euros in 2021. State-of-the-art technologies such as artificial intelligence are to be used in the process. In the "Defence" sector, the company offers cloud services and automated logistical planning, among other things. The "Homeland Security" portfolio includes systems for mission control, biometric recording and mobile people screening. In cooperation with Indico, Sopra Steria says it also supplies "ready-to-use solutions for state-of-the-art police interrogations."

Added: Jan. 11, 2024
Last update: Jan. 28, 2024, 12:03 p.m.

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