Registered office Switzerland - Neuchâtel
Other branches


Industries IT
Categories IT, big data
Sources Unspecified

About the company

Travizory is the start-up of an engineer from Neuchâtel who previously worked at SITA, among others. The company offers software solutions that certify travellers' "harmlessness" (in the sense of the security authorities) and issue visas based on biometric data and artificial intelligence. According to the company's founder, the systems have access to "databases of lost or stolen passports and databases of people wanted by organisations such as the FBI, the CIA, the United Nations or Interpol". According to its own information, 50 countries, airports and airlines already use the company's services (as of May 2021), which allegedly means that 80 million "users" have benefited from corresponding applications. In August 2020, the financial investor Atlantic Labs invested in the company, shortly after which it announced a ten-year contract with the Seychelles, which now wants to process its visa issuance primarily via Travizory. In the wake of the Corona pandemic, the company has announced that it will increasingly process health information such as tests, vaccinations, etc. in the future, thus enabling travel even under pandemic conditions.

Contribution to the EU border regime

Text in progress

Added: Jan. 11, 2024
Last update: Jan. 28, 2024, 12:03 p.m.

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