Vele dispiegate verso la stessa direzione: trapelato un documento dell’UE sul meccanismo di coordinamento operativo per la migrazione esterna

مارس 2nd, 2022

Nel 2022, si prevede l’introduzione di un nuovo meccanismo di cooperazione del Consiglio riguardo la dimensione esterna dell’UE. Un documento riservato ottenuto da mostra che il meccanismo riproduce tendenze …

إقرأ المزيد

New EU-Document: Migration Control in Pakistan and the role of Frontex

مارس 2nd, 2022

We‘ve received a leaked internal EU document, dated January 25, 2022, discussing the EU‘s present and future relation with Pakistan in regard to migration control. Written by the presidency of …

إقرأ المزيد

Egypt Discussion Paper, by EU Council Presidency

فبراير 21st, 2022

We have received a Discussion Paper by Presidency of EU council, to be discussed with delegations on February 25. In the meeting, delegations will be invited to define priority guidelines …

إقرأ المزيد

Monthly Review: January 2022

فبراير 10th, 2022

OUT NOW: Our MONTHLY REVIEW January 2022, covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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All sails set for more of the same: Leaked EU Document on the Operational Coordination Mechanism for the External Dimension of Migration

فبراير 7th, 2022

A new Council cooperation mechanism on the EU’s external dimension is foreseen to be launched in 2022. A leaked document obtained by shows that the mechanism reproduces wider trends …

إقرأ المزيد

Annual Report 2021

فبراير 4th, 2022

Dear everyone,For just over two years now, the Migration Control Project has been self-managed and …

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Plans for offshoring refugee protection undermine human dignity, African political interests, and international norms

فبراير 2nd, 2022

t is not new that migration cooperation between the EU and the African continent is heavily skewed towards European interests. This is particularly obvious in policy developments related to one …

إقرأ المزيد

Internal EU-Document: "Update on State of Play of External Cooperation"

يناير 23rd, 2022

We've received a leaked internal document from the EU-commissions services dated January 14, 2022, titled: "Update on State of Play of External Cooperation in the Field of Migration Policy". The …

إقرأ المزيد

Das Verbrechen: Asyl Suchen in Ägypten

يناير 18th, 2022

Mit Abschiebungen in die Militärdiktatur Eritrea bricht Ägypten unter anderem die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention und bringt Schutzsuchende in Lebensgefahr. Im Oktober 2021 hat Ägypten diese zuvor offenbar 13 Jahre ausgesetzte, menschenrechtsverletzende …

إقرأ المزيد

Monthly Review December 2021

يناير 4th, 2022

OUT NOW: Our MONTHLY REVIEW December 2021, covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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RefugeesinLibya: Ein ungehörter Massenprotest

ديسمبر 28th, 2021

Die Internationale Gemeinschaft ignoriert seit Jahren das Leid Flüchtender in Libyen. Der Handlungsspielraum des UNHCR ist klein, für die meisten Menschen kann er nichts tun. Tausende Flüchtende sind sich selbst …

إقرأ المزيد

A Message from Parwana Amiri in Ritsona: Protests against state neglect

ديسمبر 23rd, 2021

For the past two months, the Greek authorities have suspended the financial support of 75 Euros per person that all asylum seekers in Greece are entitled to. Tens of thousands …

إقرأ المزيد


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Des nouvelles, des commentaires et des rapports qui sont importants par rapport à nos questions. Le blog est multilingue. Quelques messages individuels sont mis en évidence comme Extensive Analysis Post. Depuis octobre 2020, Monthly Review, une compilation mensuelle d’articles et de rapports intéressants.

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