Registered office Germany - Berlin-Adlershof
Other branches


Industries Sensor Technology, Radio Communication
Categories research, infrastructure
Sources IQ WIRELESS – own website:

About the company

Founded in 1999 and headquartered in the Adlershof Technology Park in Berlin, IQ Wireless offers on its homepage the installation and support of directional radio networks, as well as terrestrial early fire detection and satellite communication solutions. For a company with (according to its own information) about 30-35 employees, IQ Wireless was and is involved in relatively high-profile research projects.

Contribution to the EU border regime

The company received just under 500,000 euros for its participation in the AMASS project, which (under the leadership ofCarl Zeiss AG) was intended to investigate the possibilities of monitoring wide-area maritime areas with the aid of a network of autonomous sensor buoys in the years 2008-2011, and was quite obviously aimed primarily at combating illegalized migration. In 2013-2016, it also received 185,000 euros from the EU for its participation in the PHAROS project, which, under the leadership of DLR, was basically intended to further develop the use of satellite reconnaissance and communication for security applications. Cooperation with DLR and also the Helmholtz Center is obviously still close. Together with the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics of the TU Berlin and funded by the DLR, IQ Wireless has developed "novel solutions" for communication between (nano-)satellites within the SLink project, which should especially enable their operation in swarms.

On his personal homepage, the founder of the company makes no secret of his former responsibility for "research and development projects in the field of 'special communications and intelligence technology for military applications' as well as 'general security technology'" in the service of the Operative Technical Sector (OTS) department in the Ministry of State Security of the GDR. He also offers himself (as of May 2021) as a consultant for "BorderControl." In doing so, "continuous observation by day and night is to be ensured". "Target objects" are accordingly: "professional smugglers, border violators, immigrants without legal documents".

Added: Jan. 11, 2024
Last update: Jan. 28, 2024, 12:03 p.m.

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