Monthly Reviews

Mass deportations and EU externalisation in Tunisia: Press Review and Critics

August 2nd, 2023

Twittter & Activist Sites, Videos03.07. Lauren Seibert: 🚨Alert: #Tunisia security forces abused & collectively expelled 20+ West/Central African nationals to a remote area at the Tunisia-#Libya border. Includes a girl …

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Monthly Press Review June 2023

Juli 8th, 2023

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review June 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime. You can …

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Monthly Press Review May 2023

Juni 10th, 2023

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review May 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Press Review April 2023

Mai 6th, 2023

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review April 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Press Review March 2023 - Special: Tunisia

April 9th, 2023

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review March 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime. With a …

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Monthly Review February 2023

März 5th, 2023

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review February 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Review January 2023

Februar 6th, 2023

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review January 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Review December 2022

Januar 3rd, 2023

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review December 2022 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Review November 2022

Dezember 10th, 2022

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review November 2022 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Review October 2022

November 11th, 2022

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review October 2022 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Review September 2022

Oktober 4th, 2022

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review September 2022 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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Monthly Review August 2022

September 2nd, 2022

OUT NOW: Our MONTHLY REVIEW August 2022 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.

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All Entries Balkan Route Book Review Border Violence Campaign Extensive Analysis Externalization of borders HOA Media Office Internal EU Document Monthly Reviews

Nachrichten, Kommentare und Berichte, die in Bezug auf unsere Fragen wichtig sind. Der Blog ist mehrsprachig. Einzelne Beiträge sind als Extensive Analysis Post hervorgehoben. Seit Oktober 2020 gibt die Monthly Review, eine monatliche Zusammenstellung interessanter Artikel und Reports.

News, comments and reports that are important in relation to our questions. The blog is multilingual. Individual contributions are highlighted as Extensive Analysis Post. The Monthly Review, a monthly compilation of interesting articles and reports, has been available since October 2020.

Des nouvelles, des commentaires et des rapports qui sont importants par rapport à nos questions. Le blog est multilingue. Quelques messages individuels sont mis en évidence comme Extensive Analysis Post. Depuis octobre 2020, Monthly Review, une compilation mensuelle d’articles et de rapports intéressants.

الأخبار والتعليقات والتقارير الهامة التي تتعلق بأسئلتنا. تتوفر المدونة بعدة لغات. يتم تسليط الضوء على المساهمات الفردية مثل المقالات التحليلية الشاملة. تتوفر المراجعة الشهرية، وهي تجميع شهري للمقالات والتقارير المثيرة للاهتمام، منذ أكتوبر 2020.