
Who we are

The migration-control.info project is a transnational network of activists, journalists, translators, academics and anti-racist organisations from Europe and Africa. We document the externalisation of European migration control to third countries, especially in Africa.

Thematically, our website focuses on the externalisation of European borders to so-called third countries. Our main focus is on the effects of the externalisation policy on the situation of the people in the affected African regions. However, we also strive to provide knowledge about other geographical hotspots, such as Turkey. In our work, we always focus on the socio-political consequences for populations, democratic processes and economic consequences, which we analyse from a critical perspective.

Our website contains comprehensive country reports (Wikis) that describe the externalisation of European migration policy in the respective country context and analyse the political, social and economic consequences. Furthermore, thematic background reports on development aid, financial instruments, FRONTEX (the EU's notorious border management agency), militarisation of borders are an additional source of information. In our blog posts section, we share opinion pieces and shorter analyses. We also share important up-to-date press information in a monthly press review.

Our network is also a space for an already informed audience - activists, students, academics - to share, learn and be a source of information. We want our work to be accessible to all people affected by European migration policy. That is why we try to make as many sections as possible quadrilingual: English, French, Arabic and German.

The documentation project is a collective continuation of the taz project migration-control.taz.de, which compiled facts and background information around European migration control in African states. In 2019, the Research Society Flight and Migration (FFM) took over responsibility for the project from taz.

We want to challenge Europe's migration control policies with information, critical analysis and commentary and contribute to public education. That is why we make our work accessible in four languages: English, French, Arabic and German. Together we document Europe's policies of migration control and closure towards migrants and refugees.

How we work

We work in a decentralised, self-organised and horizontal way in different working groups. Together we document the policy of controlling migration and closing off Europe to migrants and refugees.

Our working groups are a coordination group that meets regularly and ensures the coordination of the project, a blog group that focuses on recruiting and editing blog posts and the monthly press review, regional groups that regularly update the country reports and a pool of volunteer translators who ensure the translations of our texts. We work with activists and journalists in the "Middle East" as well as in North, East and West Africa and hope to make African voices more visible through this project.



Our project offers opportunities to people interested in the external component of European migration policy. We are looking for people who want to be involved in our work in the long term and share a critical understanding of European migration control and the need for equitable migration opportunities for all.

We would like to work with you and ask for your support! How could this work?

  • Coordination: You have a lot of time and would like to join our core team? Then come to our next coordination meeting, which takes place every second Wednsday!
  • Editing and text work: You would like to follow current migration politics - or you already do anyway? You like to work with texts and have a good basic knowledge of topics relevant to our work? Become part of our blog team!
  • Fundraising: We need money - not immediately, but the development of the project, especially the cooperation with people from the northern half of Africa, will require financial inflows. If you have an idea, please get in touch!
  • Communication: The portal is only useful if it is used - by people who work with it, contribute to it, recommend it. Be it at the university or in trade union, church, other civil society or other contexts. If communication work is close to your heart, you can help to make Migration-Control.info better known via Twitter and Facebook, as well as presenting it at relevant events and network meetings!
  • Translations: You have good language skills (German, English, French or Arabic)? Become part of our pool of translators!
  • Thematic collaboration: Are you interested in a specific region or country? Join a regional group and contribute to the updating of country reports!
  • IT: We are currently updating the landing page and want to make it more accessible. If you can imagine helping with this, please get in touch!
  • Archive work: You are familiar with European migration policy and have a good overview of relevant strategy papers and policy documents? Help us to build up our archive!

Are you interested in working with us? Contact us via: contact[at]migration-control.info