Library (256 results)

Title Publisher Year of Publication Media
"Die Maßnahmen gegen Schleuser sind krachend gescheitert" Mediendienst Integration 2024 Article
2023: A long Summer of Migration in the Central Mediterranean Sea Alarmphone 2024 Website
A Gateway Re-opens MMC 2021 Report / PDF
AU-Center for Illegal Migration in Khartoum Sudantribune 2019 Article
Abolish Frontex #Abolish Frontex 2021 PDF
Abschottung als Wachstumsmarkt TAZ 2019 Article
Aegean Regional Analysis Alarmphone 2020 Website
African Civil Society Perspectives on EU Africa Cooperation ECRE 2020 Article
After the Migration Crisis Open Democracy 2020 Website
Air Deportation antiAtlas Journal 2022 Website
Airborne Complicity – Frontex Aerial Surveillance 2023 Website and Report
Alarmphone Analysis, 1 April - 30 June 2021 Alarmphone 2021 Website
All the Frontex documents Frag den Staat 2022 Website
Am Horizont das Plastikmeer IMIS 2019 Website
An Evaluation of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal Migration Research Center at Koc University 2019 Essay
Anomalous Investigation in Italy Internazionale 2021 Article
Arms from Israel to Europe Roar Magazine 2021 Article
At What Cost? Statewatch and the Transnational Institute 2022 Website and Report
At the Heart of Fortress Europe Transform! europe 2022 Broshure / PDF
At the Polish-Belarussion Border Grupa Granica 2021 Broshure / PDF
Atlas der Migration Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung 2022 Broshure / PDF
Aufstandsbekämpfung im Sahel IMI 2021 Unspecified
AusgeLAGERt. Exterritoriale Lager, Mittelmeergrenzen Assoziation A 2005 Book / PDF
Balkan Region Report –October 2020 Border Violence Monitoring Network 2020 Website
Balkanbrücke Online Balkanbrücke 2021 Website
Barça ou Barzakh: The Social Elswhere U. of Washington 2016 Book
Barça ou Barzakh? Universität Wien 2012 Book / PDF
Beat Stauffer: Maghreb, Migration und Mittelmeer NZZ Libro 2021 Book
Blackmail in the Balkans Statewatch 2021 Website
Border Control In Niger Border Forensics 2023 Report / PDF
Border Control from Hell enough 2017 Report / PDF
Border Deaths Amsterdam University Press 2020 Book, PDF
Border Externalization to West Africa Border Criminologies 2021 Unspecified
Border Security Report Border Security Report 2021 Website
Border of Spain: The Canary Islands Borderline Europe 2021 Report / PDF
Border security with drones and databases Statewatch 2024 Article
Border-Profiteers No Border Assembly 2021 Broshure / PDF
Bots at the Gate International Human Rights Program (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto) and the Citizen Lab (Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto) 2018 PDF
Britain and the 1951 Geneva Convention on the Status of Refugees Journal of Historical Sociology 2014 Article
Building Walls TNI 2019 Broshure / PDF
Bundesregierung zur Lage und zum deutschen Engagement in Mali/Sahel Deutscher Bundestag 2020 Unspecified
Burkina Faso Self Defence Groups Clingendael 2021 Article
Burning at Europe's Borders Oxford University Press 2021 Book
COVID 19 Paralyzing Migrants ISPI 2020 Unspecified
Challenges of Current Societal Transformations Journal of Migration Studies, 1(1) 2021 Essay
Climate Change and Migration Council of EU, 13376/21 2021 Limite Paper
Cooperation on Readmission in the Euro-Mediterranean Area EUROMESCO Policy Study 28 2023 Broshure / PDF
Country Report Tunisia Intrasformatione 2023 Article
Covid-19 and Migrants in Niger MMC 2021 Report / PDF
Creating Refugees Costs of War Project, Brown University 2020 Article
Crimes against Humanity in the Aegean Legal Centre Lesvos 2021 Report / PDF
Criminalisation of Migration in Niger Alarm Phone Sahara 2023 Website
Cross-border Movements from Burkina Faso and Mali MMC 2021 Broshure / PDF
Crossing a Line: How the use of drones to secure borders threatens everyone’s rights 2020 Report
Darfuri migration from Sudan to Europe Research and Evidence Facility, University of London 2018 Unspecified
Das Problem heißt Lager taz 2020 Article
Data Collection & Mobility Control Migreurop 2020 Unspecified
Deadly Borders and Activist Interventions ’Hostile Terrain 94 Frankfurt/Main’ 2021 Unspecified
Deadly crossings and the militarizations of Britains borders Institute of Race Relations 2020 Broshure / PDF
Decrypting ICMPD FTDES 2021 Unspecified
Defund Frontex, Build SAR Frag den Staat 2021 PDF
Deportation Union: EU's push to increase forced removals Statewatch 2020 Broshure / PDF
Der Aufschwung kurdischer Politik Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik 2015 Book
Der Moria-Komplex medico 2021 Report / PDF
Der neue EU-Migrationspakt Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich Böll Stiftung 2021 Poster series
Desparate Journeys UNHCR 2019 Report / PDF
Diary from Darfur TNH 2021 Article
Die Krise in Mali Heinrich Böll Stiftung 2012 Unspecified
Die zentrale Mittelmeerroute Heinrich Böll Stiftung 2016 Broshure / PDF
Digitalisation of Migrant Smuggling European Council 2021 PDF
Dossier EU-Migrations- und Asylpolitik bpb 2023 Website
Dossier Klimaflucht LPB BW 2021 Website / PDF
Dossier: Unraveling the Sahel ISPI Online 2021 Report / Website
Draft Report on human rights protection and the EU external migration policy European Parliament 2019-2024 2020 Report / PDF
Drohnen für Frontex Le Monde Diplo 2020 Article
E(U)xploitation 2020 Broshure / PDF
ECHOES from the Central Mediterranean CMRCC 2023 Broshure / PDF
EU Border Militarization TNI 2023 Broshure / PDF
EU External Borders Böll-Stiftung 2021 Unspecified
EU External Cooperation in the Field of Migration EU 2021 Paper
EU Geld in Afrika DW 2022 Article
EU Plan "Voluntary" Deportation 2021 Unspecified
EU Readmission Arrangements (Rücknahmeabkommen) Deutscher Bundestag 2020 Policy Document
EU Security Policy in Niger Fondation Robert Schuman 2019 Report / PDF
EU ad hoc relocation: A lottery Borderline Europe 2021 Unspecified
EU migration and asylum funds for third countries EU Parliament 2022 Report / PDF
EU-Grenzregime IMI Studie 2021/7 2021 Unspecified
EU-LISA zwischen Lobbyismus und venture sciences Migrationsforschung und Politik / Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung – Journal of Migration Studies 2021 1 (2): 203–229, DOI: 2021 Article
EU-Turkey Refugee Agreement SETA | Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research 2017 Unspecified
EU: Programme Sub Sahara 2021-2027 European Commission 2021 PDF
EU’s migration partnership legitimizes Sudan’s “militia state” The Enough Project 2017 Unspecified
Effectiveness of EU-funded information campaigns Clingendael for Admingov 2021 Broshure / PDF
Erinnerung an Kemal Altum taz 26.08.23 2023 Article
Es gibt immer einen Weg nach Europa TAZ 11.04.2016 2016 Article
Europas Türsteher und die Taliban medico international 2023 Artikel
European Politics of Border Externalization in Lebanon CLDH 2023 Broshure / PDF
Europe’s Quicksand War IJ4EU 2020 Website
Expanding the Fortress TNI 2018 Broshure / PDF
External Parties in Sudan War Insights ( 2024 Broshure / PDF
Externalisation of migration management in Tunisia and Egypt Population, Space and Place 2020; 26:e2329 2020 Article
FRONTEX Central Mediterranean Lighthouse Reports 2021 Article
FRONTEX's Reports on Return operations Council of EU 13405/21 2021 LIMITE Paper
Fact-Finding Mission on Libya OCHA 2023 Report / PDF
Financing Border Wars Stop Wapenhzandel / TNI 2021 Book / PDF
Financing of human smuggling Mixed Migration Centre 2022 Report / PDF
Fluchtgeschichte und fragwürdige Abschiebepraxis TAZ 2021 Article
Fokus Sahel: Wege aus der Gewalt im Sahel? Fokus Sahel 2019 Brochure
Frankreich: Unser schwieriger Partner SWP 2021 Broshure / PDF
Friedenspolitik von unten TAZ 21.08.21 2021 Article
From the Sea to the City From Sea to City 2021 Unspecified
Frontex Kämpfe um Migrationspolitik ( S. 169-186) 2014 Essay
Frontex in Africa Abolish Frontex 2023 Website
Frontex ist ein Symptom WOZ 2021 Unspecified
Frontex und die Pushback-Vorwürfe Deutschlandfunk 2021 Unspecified
Frontex: Agentur jenseits politischer Kontrolle JBÖS 2022-23 2022 Article
Geld gegen Migration Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 2018 Report / PDF
Gender in Migration Studies Journal of Migration Studies, 1(1) 2021 Essay
Global But Not Regional? African Regional Migration Regimes Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 2019/33 2019 Article
Grenzen aus Glas Mandelbaum 2022 Book
Guarding the fortress TNI 2019 Unspecified
Harraga: Burning borders, navigating colonialism The Sociological Review Monographs 2020, Vol. 68(2) 418– 434 2020 Article
History of Noborder Network Tactical Media Files 2010 Article
How Frontex uses a trick to circumvent international law Matthias Monroy 2021 Article
IOM Counter - Bulletin Noborder Network 2002 PDF
IOM in Djibouti Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2018 Article
Impact of Pushbacks of Migrants on Land and at Sea UN Human Rights Council 2021 Document
Incarcerating the Marginalized on the Greek Hotspot Islands Deportation Monitoring Aegean, Aegean Migrant Solidarity and Borderline-Europe 2020 Report PDF
Internally displaced people in Mali's capital city: When a crisis turns chronic DIIS Policy Brief 2020 Article
International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) Frag den Staat 2023 Website
Interventions on the concept of externalisation in migration and border studies Political Geography 105 (2023) 102911 2023 Article
Inventory of the bilateral agreements linked to readmission 2006 Website
Italy/Albania memorandum of understanding on migration Migreurop 2024 Article
Italy: Fast Track Deportation of Tunisians Al Jareera 2021 Unspecified
Jordanien: Das Elend der Geflüchteten FluchtforschungsBlog 2024 Article
Kein Weg mehr durch Agadez Unspecified 2019 Article
Kenya: Refugees and COVID Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies 2021 Unspecified
Kernelemente der Europäischen Migrationspolitik mit afrikanischen Staaten Brot für die Welt 2016 Article
Kritische Kartographie Geografische Zeitung 2009 Article
Lager, Sammelunterkünfte und Ankerzentren transcript 2021 Book / PDF
Land Grabbing in Africa Land Matrix 2021 Website
Large Scale Land Acquisitions Misereor 2021 Report
Libya: Evidence crimes against humanity and war crimes OHCHR 2021 Website
Libya: The Torture Factory Medici per i Diritti Umani 2020 Report / PDF
List of Border Deaths Unspecified Unspecified Website
Lobbying Fortress Europe: The making of a border-industrial complex Corporate Europe Observatory 2021 Unspecified
Locked Up and Excluded migreurop 2020 Broshure / PDF
Main Actors Irregular Migration: Sudan Unspecified 2018 PDF
Mali: Bounti war ein Massaker IMI-online 2021 Article / Website
Mali: Europas Dilemma im Sahel ARD Tagesschau 2021 Website
Managing Trafficking in Northern Niger ICG Report 2020 Report / PDF
Manufacturing displacement Global Affairs 5, 2019, 247-271 2019 Article
Mapping Legal Struggles: Balkan Routes Border Violence Monitoring Network 2021 Broshure / PDF
Mauern aus Sand Le Monde Diplo (DE) 07.10.21 2021 Article
MigMap MigMap 2024 Website
Migrant Smuggling in Focus Eurojust 2021 Broshure / PDF
Migrants and Refugees Trapped in Libya Face Crimes Against Humanity ECCHR, FIDH, LFJL 2021 Unspecified
Migration Compacts and EU Trust Fund for Africa. Concord 2018 Report
Migration Development Nexus in Kayes Region, Mali AdMiGov 2021 Report
Migration Policies in Niger’s North Clingendael Unspecified Report / PDF
Migration and Technology Monitor collective of journalists, filmmakers, academics, and communities 2020 Website
Migration drivers and decision-making of West and Central Africans on the move in West and North Africa MMC Briefing Paper 2021 Broshure / PDF
Migration durch Klimapolitik Migrationsgesellschaften 2018 Essay
Migration und soziale Ungleichheit Zeitschrift für Migrationsforschung, 1(1) 2021 Essay
Migrationsabwehr via Youtube Le Monde Diplo 2021 Article
Mission Accomplished? Borderforensics 2023 Report / PDF
Motivation and opportunity for conflict-induced migration Journal of Peace Research 2018 Unspecified
Motorbikes and Armed Goups in the Sahel Global Initiative 2023 Report / PDF
Niger - Repression im Namen von Corona TAZ 2020 Article
Niger ist der Polizist Europas Amnesty International 2019 Unspecified
Niger. The Gate to the Sahel. Brot für die Welt 2023 Article
Nigeria - Wohin fließen die Milliarden De Correspondent 2019 Unspecified
Nigeria's Generation Z Foreign Policy 2021 Article
Offene Grenzen für Alle Hoffmann und Campe 2021 Book
Operation Barkhane im Sahel SWP 2021 Unspecified
Organization of African Unity and African Union African Journal of International and Comparative Law 2013 Unspecified
Outsourcing Oppression Transnational Institute TNI and Stop Wapenhandel 2021 Unspecified
Over Land and Sea: NGOs/CSOs and EU Border Externalisation Geopolitics, DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2022.2124158 2022 Article
Overdosing for asylum in Europe Al Jazeera 2021 Unspecified
Pastoralists Between Hope and Despair Clingendael 2021 Broshure / PDF
People on the Receiving End of International Aid CDA Collaborative Learning Projects 2012 Report
Perspektiven der ethnographischen Grenzregimeforschung Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2021 Essay
Political Economy of Entry Governance Copenhagen: Aalborg University 2020 PDF
Postmigrantische Visionen Transcript Verlag 2018 Essay
Primer: Defending the Rights of Refugees and Migrants in the Digital Age Amnesty International 2024 Broshure / PDF
Push back solidarity: Kriminalisierung von Solidarität mit Schutzsuchenden Borderline Europe 2020 Broshure / PDF
Pushback Report 2020 Mare Liberum 2021 Report / PDF
Pushbacks in Melilla: ND and NT v. Spain Forensic Architecture 2020 Article, Video
Pushing Back Responsibility PRAB Initiative 2021 PDF
Reception, detention and restriction Heinrich Böll Stiftung 2021 Report / PDF
Refugee Body in the Era of Data-craving Citizenship Studies 24,2020, 607-624 2020 Article
Regime Change in Niger ecdpm brief 2023 PDF
Regimes of Mobility Across the Globe Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 2012 Article
Remote Control: EU-Libya Alarm Phone, Borderline Europe, Mediterranea – Saving Humans, Sea-Watch 2020 Broshure / PDF
Return Mania Euro Med Rights 2021 Unspecified
Return Mania Euromedrights 2021 Unspecified
Revision of the long-term EU budget ecre 2024 Article
Revolution and International Migration in Tunisia MPC – Migration Policy Centre 2013 Unspecified
Räume der Migration und der Migrationsforschung International Journal of Refugee Law 2018 Unspecified
Sahel: Counterinsurgency with Heavy Toll on Civilians ISS 2021 Article
Sahel: crise pastorale et sécuritaire Le Point 2021 Article
Sahelregion- Im Zentrum der Begehrlichkeiten medico international 2019 Article
Samos Refugee Camp like Prison The Conversation 27.09.21 2021 Article
Scaling Fences : Voices of Irregular African Migrants to Europe UNDP 2019 Broshure / PDF
Sechs Jahre im Transit Jungle World 2021 Unspecified
Security and Migration ARCI 2019 Broshure / PDF
Senegal: Young Men Risk All to Reach Europe Guardian 2021 Article
Signore delle Fragole (Strawberries from Spain) Corriere della sera 2021 Article
Slaughter at the Nador-Melilla Border Caminando Fronteras 2022 Report / PDF
Smuggling and Mixed Migration MMC 2021 Unspecified
Smuggling dynamics for Afghans MMC Europe 4Mi Snapshot – April 2021 2021 Unspecified
Social media use among Nigerian refugees Mixed Migration Centre 2023 Broshure / PDF
Sortiermaschinen C.H.Beck 2021 Book
South-South migration TNH 2021 Unspecified
Stop IOM! AntirassismusBüro Bremen 2004 Broshure / PDF
Tackling Mobility, Demography and Climate Change in the Sahel FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Brussels), IAI Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome) 2019 Book
Technological Testing Grounds EDRi; and the Refugee Law Lab 2020 Unspecified
Technological Testing Grounds: Migration Management Experiments 2020 Report / PDF
Ten Conflicts to Worry About in 2021 ACLED 2021 PDF
The Big Wall Actionaid 2021 Website
The Black Book of Pushbacks -Volumes I & II Unspecified 2020 Book
The EU Trust Fund For Africa – Trapped between aid policy and migration politics Oxfam 2020 Unspecified
The EU Trust Fund for Africa Oxfam 2020 Briefing Paper
The EU’s pact against migration Open dDemocracy 2020 Unspecified
The Joint Force of the G5 Sahel Accord Conflict Trends 2018/2 2018 Article
The Khartoum Process: Critical Assessment and Policy Recommendations Istituto Affari Internazionali Working Paper 2015 Unspecified
The Melilla massacre The Guardian 2023 Article
The Puzzle of JNIM and Militant Islamist Groupsin the Sahel Africa Center 2020 Article
The Torture Roads OMCT 2023 Report / PDF
The case of Civipol Statewatch 2024 Article
The impact of EU migration policy on West African integration FES 2018 Unspecified
The new European border between Niger and Libya Open Migration 2018 Reportage
The new mobilities paradigm Environment and Planning 2006 Essay
The political economy of entry governance Aalborg Universitet 2020 Unspecified
The role of technology in illegal push-backs Border Violence Monitoring Network 2020 Report / PDF
The vulnerability to exploitation of women migrant workers European Parliament 2018 Report / PDF
Tokens or Stakeholders in Global Migration Governance? International Migration 2019 Article
Towards a Borderless Africa? German Development Institute 2019 Unspecified
Trafficking and exploitation of Nigerian women ASGI 2021 Website
Transnational Migrants Coordination New Journal 2020 Online Jourmal / PDF
Tschad: Die unerwartete Migrationsdebatte Deutsche Welle 21.11.2017 2017 Article
Tunisia: Queer and Feminist Militants Roar Magazine 2021 Unspecified
Tunisia: borders, migration, solidarity. A country report Rivista di Storia delle Idee 12:2 (2023) pp. 13-30 2023 Article
Turkey in the Sahel ICG 2021 Article
Tödliche Flüchtlingspolitik ARI 2021 Unspecified
UNHCR-A Surrogate State? UNHCR 2009 Unspecified
UNHCR’s evolving perspective on refugee protection and international migration UNHCR 2008 Research Paper
Uneven Ground: Land Inequality at the Heart of Unequal Societies International Land Coalition 2020 pdf
Viel Militär, weniger Sicherheit Mali Heinrich Böll Stiftung 2018 e-paper
Vulneraciones de Derechos en la Frontera Sur: Gran Canaria y Melilla Irida 2021 PDF
Why Securitising the Sahel Will Not Stop Migration FMU Policy Brief No. 02/2018 2018 Unspecified
Youth Contesting Legitimacy from Below in Sub-Sahara Africa Small Wars & Insurgencies, 28:4-5, 779-798 2017 Article
»Das Geschäft mit den Grenzen wird weiter wachsen« Jungle World 17.08.23 2023 Article
»Failed« Migratory Adventures? Transcript 2022 Book / PDF
Ägyptens Angst taz 2021 Unspecified
‘Migrants are more profitable than drugs’ Guardian 01.02.2018 2018 Article
„Ziel ist Migrationsverhinderung“ TAZ 2021 Unspecified

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