Internal EU-Document: „Update on State of Play of External Cooperation“, February 2023

February 14th, 2023 - written by:

The Commission Services of the European Council regularly provide internal updates on 'the state of play' to the Working Party on External Aspects of Asylum ans Migration, which is a preparatory body of the European Council.

We have published the Update January 2022 and the Update May 2022 on this site. We have now received a new document,

Update on the state of play, 9. February 2023.

In the intro, the document states:

This document provides an updated overview of the main external migration dialogues and processes since 2019. The document is compiled for the information of the Working Party on the External Aspects of Asylum and Migration by the responsible European Commission and EEAS services.

This document also serves as a tool to follow-up the implementation of the European Council Conclusions (on external aspects of migration) of 16 December, 21-22 October, 24-25 June as well as the outcomes of the Jumbo Meeting of the Home Affairs and the Foreign Affairs Ministers of 15 March 2021.

Of course, we still have to wait for the follw-up of the latest European council conclusions of February 10 this year, where van der Leyen has promised “pilot programmes to provide an integrated package of mobile and stationary infrastructure from cars to cameras, from watchtowers to electronic surveillance”, and EU leaders urged the commission “to immediately mobilise substantial EU funds and means” to support member states in reinforcing border protection, including aerial surveillance and other equipment.

Please find the document here.