Internal EU-Document: „Update on State of Play of External Cooperation“ from May 2022

June 1st, 2022 - written by:

We’ve received an internal document from the EU-commissions services dated May 20, 2022, titled  „Update on State of Play of External Cooperation in the Field of Migration Policy“. The document provides a brief update and overview over the EU’s „partnerships“ with „third countries“ in regards to externalized migration control. It has also been published by Statewatch.

The document is the update of the previous „Update on State of Play of External Cooperation in the Field of Migration Policy“ dated January 14, 2022. We published it on our blog, please find it here.

The May Update lists

Bilateral cooperations with 35 non-EU countries

  • Mauritania, which was not listed in the January Update, has been added to the list

Nine multilateral and regional policy processes

  • Prague Process
  • Eastern Partnership Platforms and Panel on Migration, Mobility and Integrated Border Management (IBM)
  • Budapest Process
  • Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue
  • Rabat Process
  • Khartoum Process
  • OCAP-EU Migration Dialogue
  • Valletta Summit Follow-Up
  • EU-CELAC Migration Dialogue

Two global forums relating to „migration management“

  • Global Forum for Migration and Development
  • United Nations

The document can be found here.