MOCADEM Action File Niger

March 19th, 2022 - written by:

We republish the MOCADEM Action file Niger(February 8,2022). The document was first published by Statewatch, read their write-up “Frontex to boost border control efforts in Niger, Algeria and Libya” here.

What is this "Mécanisme opérationnel de coordination des actions pour la dimension externe des migrations", MOCADEM? Please find the answer here.

The Actions 3, 4, 5 planned for Niger are about evacuations of people on the move from Libya. Especially Action 5 is set to establish something like asylum capacity in Niger, trying to construct the country as a "safe third country" in the longer run:

Support the Nigerien authorities in the management of refugees and IDPs through the NDICI (e.g. programme in the Tillabéri regions, €50M) and the "North Africa" Regional Development and Protection Programme (RDPP NA – lead by IT), and the EUAA Regional Pilot Project for North Africa and Niger (supported by AT, BE, CZ, DK, IT, NL, DE). Implement an EUAA-Niger pilot project on capacity building on asylum and reception, proposed by the European Asylum Agency (EUAA), with expert support from Member States. Support to enhance access to asylum procedures.

Actions 6 and 7 are about closing the border between Niger and Libya. While Action 6 is about anti-smuggling, in conjunction with EUCAP Sahel Niger and Frontex, Action 7 is about closing the northern borders of Niger and strengthening the role of the Frontex liaison officer:

Strengthen Frontex' action in Niger, including via its liaison officer, by finalising working arrangements with the CSDP missions EUCAP-Sahel Niger and EUBAM Libya, in order to facilitate border control actions in the south of Libya (supported by Italy with IOM) and any cooperative action that could allow for an intensification of patrols along the borders with Algeria and Libya. In the context of the ILO network, further consolidate a regular framework for the exchange of information between the various European actors involved in these initiatives and the Frontex liaison officer.

Please find the document here.

While the new government of Niger, under President Bazoum, is following a way of cooperation with the EU, profiting from the contrast to post-coup Mali, and hosting the French-lead military engagement of Berkhane and Takuba in the future, it will probably not go so far as to close its northern borders, which would be very much against the interests of the local populations, and which would be unpossible without causing conflicts with the tribal populations in the North of Niger. This would lead to a sitatuon similar to that in the North of Mali.

Once again, the EU bureaucrats do not recognise the interests of the Saharan and North African populations and governments. Summing up, EU interests and finances, EUCAP mission, and Frontex officers keep on trying to invade the Sahel and Sahara structures and societies, in order to stop migration.