Monthly Review October 2024
November 7th, 2024
This monthly press review covers Eurafrican migration control, migration and displacement in African countries and news on the European border regime.
In case there is a news item, report, or campaign you would like to flag for in next month’s review please write us to: or on Twitter @MigControl
„Ein vom Elend der Welt unbeschwertes Gemüt des Bürgers ist kein Belang, zu dessen Schutz der Staat Grundrechtspositionen einschränken darf. Unerheblich sind folglich Belästigungen Dritter, die darin liegen, dass diese mit ihnen unliebsamen Themen konfrontiert werden.“ (BVerfGE 102, 347)
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All Africa
25.10.24 Geopolitical Monitor: The Benin Model: China’s Africa Strategy in Action: China’s strategy in Africa, often described as the “New Great Game,” involves a multifaceted approach combining economic investments with military assistance to bolster its influence across the continent. This strategy is designed to integrate China into African nations’ economic and political frameworks, leveraging substantial investments in infrastructure and strategic sectors to build long-term dependencies.
24.10.14 AR: Which African passports take you furthest in 2024?: only the Seychelles (156) and Mauritius (150) exceeding the world average of 111 countries passport holders can visit visa-free. South Africa takes third place in the continent with 106 visa-free entries. The worst performers are Eritrea (42), Libya (39) and Somalia (35).
23.20.24 Guardian: Breakdown in global order causing progress to stall in Africa – report: The global rise of populism and “strongmen” has led to an increase in authoritarianism in Africa that is holding back progress in governance, the businessman and philanthropist Mo Ibrahim has said. According to the latest edition of the Ibrahim index of African governance, 78% of Africa’s citizens live in a country where security and democracy deteriorated between 2014 and 2023.
North Africa:
11.10.24 LMD: Libyen – die Clans und das Geld: Im August eskalierte der Streit zwischen den beiden mächtigsten Clans um die Kontrolle der Zentralbank, die die Milliarden aus dem Ölexport verwaltet. Die Machtbalance hat sich zugunsten der Haftars verlagert. Die könnten sich ermutigt fühlen, die Regierung in Tripolis erneut herauszufordern.
30.10.24 Infomigrants: Paris et Rabat planchent sur une "feuille de route" pour accélérer les expulsions de Marocains hors de France: Les deux pays, qui affichent leur amitié retrouvée, travaillent actuellement à une feuille de route pour fluidifier les procédures et accélérer les expulsions.
C’est un sujet de tension récurrent entre Paris et Rabat : les expulsions des étrangers marocains en situation irrégulière. Depuis des années, la France regrette que le Maroc ne reprenne qu’au compte-goutte ses ressortissants sans autorisation de séjour en France.
04.10.24 AJE: EU-Morocco trade deals in Western Sahara ruled invalid, Rabat claims ‘bias’: The European Union’s top court has confirmed an earlier ruling cancelling trade deals that allow Morocco to export fish and farm products to the EU from the disputed Western Sahara region, a move Morocco slammed as “blatant political bias”. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) on Friday ruled that the European Commission breached the right of people in Western Sahara to self-determination by concluding trade deals with Morocco.
01.11.24 Guardian: ‘We checked on a mother and asked what she was feeding her new baby. She said just hot water’: As a nurse I helped to build a small clinic in a Tunisian refugee camp where we treat machete wounds and disease day and night. But we cannot treat malnutrition without food
Pleas also see Urgent medical relief equipments to treat over 5000 migrants
11.10.24 Guardian: EU unable to retrieve €150m paid to Tunisia despite links to rights violations: The European Commission paid the amount to the Tunis government in a controversial migration and development deal, despite concerns that the north African state was increasingly authoritarian and its police largely operated with impunity. A Guardian investigation last month revealed allegations of myriad abuses by EU-funded security forces in Tunisia, including widespread sexual violence against migrants. Now it has emerged that there is no system in place to retrieve the funds even if the money is connected to serious human rights violations.
Also see UN 14.10.24: Tunisia: UN experts concerned over safety of migrants, refugees and victims of trafficking: “We have received shocking reports detailing dangerous manoeuvres when intercepting migrants, refugees and asylum seekers at sea; physical violence, including beatings, threats of use of firearms; removal of engines and fuel; and capsizing of boats,” the experts said.
11.10.24 taz: Früchte der Ausbeutung: Tunesische Arbeitskräfte zahlen Tausende Euro, um auf Sizilien unter elenden Bedingungen zu arbeiten. Über ein illegales Geschäftsmodell
08.10.24 Wardana: Tunisia Intercepts 2,500 Migrants and Arrests Dozens of Traffickers: The National Guard in Tunisia announced today, Tuesday, that the coast guard intercepted more than 2,500 migrants and arrested dozens of human traffickers following a large-scale operation that began last Friday in the coastal region of Sfax, which is a key departure point for migrants heading to Italian shores. The operation, involving hundreds of security forces supported by anti-terror units, aircraft, and trained dogs, was ordered by President Kais Saied in response to escalating waves of migration. This comes as the island of Lampedusa in southern Italy faces a record number of migrants arriving by boats from North Africa.
Approximately ten thousand migrants arrived on the island last week, dealing a blow to the credibility of right-wing Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who won her position last year by promising to curb illegal immigration.
07.10.24 Guardian: Tunisia’s president wins landslide second term after cracking down on opponents: Kais Saied secured 90.7% of the vote in election on a turnout of just 27.7%, after detaining rival Ayachi Zammel
04.10.24 Infomigrants: Forced to swim to shore: Tunisian coast guard abandons migrants at sea: The Tunisian coast guard has a new method when intercepting migrants at sea: confiscating boats and forcing passengers to swim to shore. Ibrahim witnessed it first hand when he tried to cross the Mediterranean.
East Africa
23.10.24 Quarterly Mixed Migration Update: The core areas of focus include the Eastern route, from East and the Horn of Africa towards the Arabian Peninsula; the Southern route from East Africa and the Great Lakes towards South Africa; the Central Mediterranean Route (also called the Northern Route) from East and the Horn of Africa towards North Africa; as well as intra-regional mixed migration dynamics.
10.10.24 AJE: Somalia, Eritrea and Egypt pledge to bolster security ties: In a statement released by the Eritrean information ministry, the three leaders agreed to bolster ties and improve regional stability, and the “unequivocal respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the countries of the region”.
02.10.24 Guardian: More than 100 people missing after being forced off boats in Djibouti: More than 100 people are still missing after smugglers apparently forced migrants to leave their boats and swim in the Red Sea off the coast of Djibouti, the International Organization for Migration has said. The incident happened 150 metres from a beach in the administrative district of Khor Angar, in the country’s north-west. One boat was carrying 100 people, of whom 99 survived, while the other had 210.
It is not clear why the smugglers forced the passengers out of the vessels. Celestin said they were probably “spooked” by the coastguard or they wanted to go back to pick up more people.
10.10.25 Africa Report: Ethiopia: Fighting escalates in Amhara, with no end in sight: Battles intensify in Ethiopia’s turbulent Amhara region as the government ramps up an offensive against rebellious militia and launches a crackdown against civil servants, journalists and politicians sympathetic to the insurgents.
06.10.24 AJE: Al-Shabab in Somalia: Bullets and bombs can’t bury ideologies: The Somali government’s offensive against al-Shabab is faltering because of the divisive tactics deployed.
28.10.24 Guardian: Sudan militia accused of mass killings and sexual violence as attacks escalate: Sudanese militia have been accused of killings, sexual violence, looting and arson during eight days of attacks on villages south of Sudan’s capital, Khartoum.
The UN said there were reports of “gross human rights abuses” linked to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) group, which has escalated attacks on civilians in el-Gezira state since the area’s key commander was reported to have defected to government forces on 20 October.
Also see NYT 26.10.24: Hundreds Killed in Days as War in Sudan Surges: A major surge in fighting in Sudan has taken a searing toll on civilians, killing hundreds of people in aerial bombings and revenge attacks in the past week, as Africa’s largest war shifts into a higher gear after the end of seasonal rains.
Territory has changed hands, a prominent commander has switched sides and retreating fighters have sexually assaulted, kidnapped and killed villagers as they have moved through contested countryside, according to activists, democracy groups and accounts on social media; SWM 31.10.24: Sudan army continues offensive following savage RSF reprisal attacks: The RSF’s use of terror tactics in Jazira State resembles the tactics they previously have used in Darfur
25.-29.10.24: taz-Serie: Vertreibung aus dem Sudan:
Vertreibung aus Sudan: Flieht doch in einen anderen Krieg
Vertreibung aus SudanDie größte Flüchtlingskrise der Welt
23.10.24 SWM: Map: Sudan army advances in eastern states: Coordinated offensives in Sennar and Jazira pressure the RSF
17.10.24 SWM: Zaghawa villages burned in ethnic attacks in Darfur: The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) burned 17 villages in Dar Zaghawa of North Darfur State, according to satellite imagery analyzed by the Humanitarian Research Lab at the Yale School of Public Health, a group of researchers tracking the conflict.
16.10.24 taz: Nach dem Regen kommt der Hunger: Der Krieg in Sudan, der bereits die größte Hungerkatastrophe der Welt hervorgerufen hat, dürfte sich in den nächsten Monaten noch weiter verschärfen. Mit dem Ende der diesjährigen Regenzeit wird eine landesweite Eskalation der Kämpfe zwischen Sudans Regierungsarmee (SAF) und der aufständischen Miliz Rapid Support Forces (RSF) erwartet.
09.10.24 TNH: Health services non-functional as women bear the brunt of Sudan’s war: After more than 17 months of grinding conflict, millions of Sudanese women are struggling to access lifesaving sexual and reproductive health services as the warring parties continue to target hospitals and health workers, and to block the flow of aid.
Health workers and activists told The New Humanitarian that rape survivors cannot get abortion medication and post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection, while pregnant women are having to give birth unattended or with unsterilised instruments.
09.10.24 SWM: Islamist leader's return sparks fears of NCP resurgence in Sudan: Returning from exile in Türkiye, NCP leader praises Taliban, condemns USA
06.10.24 SWM: Wave of SAF airstrikes in North Darfur kills dozens of civilians: In North Darfur, SAF warplanes struck Koma and Melit localities, both north of the regional capital El Fasher, where clashes between the SAF, supported by the Joint Armed Struggle Movement Forces (JSAMF) of former Darfur rebel movements, and the RSF have intensified. At least 45 civilians were killed, and over 200 wounded in a Friday morning airstrike on Koma village.
02.10.24 Guardian: ‘In El Fasher you face only death’: Sudan city empties as paramilitaries close in: Hungry people run risk of shelling, bandits and militias on roads out as Rapid Support Forces try to take city
West Africa and Sahel
16.10.24 DW: Rising discontent with military juntas in the Sahel region: Activists are condemning the juntas in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger for failing to keep their promises. Some are calling for a return to civilian rule.
Also see Reuters 26.10.24: Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger juntas investigate French journalist for jihadist analysis
Burkina Faso
29.10.24 France 24: Burkina Faso put civilians at 'unnecessary risk' during jihadist attack, HRW says: Witnesses quoted in the report said Burkina Faso's military forced male residents to dig a new trench section near the village without providing payment but that many refused fearing they would be exposed to attacks. But soldiers coerced them to do the work by threatening and beating them.
08.10.24 Reuters: Burkina Faso's junta suspends VOA over insurgency comments: Burkina Faso's junta has suspended U.S.-funded broadcaster Voice of America for three months over comments about a jihadist insurgency in West Africa's Sahel region, and temporarily banned local news outlets from using any international media reports, authorities said late on Monday.
04.10.24 CNN: Massacre in Burkina Faso left 600 dead, double previous estimates, according to French security assessment: Up to 600 people were shot dead in a matter of hours by al Qaeda-linked militants in an August attack on a town in Burkina Faso. Militants from Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), an al Qaeda affiliate based in Mali and active in Burkina Faso, opened fire methodically as they swept into the outskirts of Barsalogho on motorcycles and shot down villagers
30.10.24: MSF condemns violence against our team in Mali:: On 14 October, on the outskirts of Nampala in the Segou region of central Mali, a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) team and community health workers were violently attacked and robbed by armed men, along with civilians. The men who carried out the attack were conducting regular military operations in the area.
22.10.24 JA: Au Mali, Assimi Goïta devient le plus haut gradé du pays: Avec ses cinq étoiles et son grade de général d’armée, Assimi Goïta devient le plus haut gradé du pays. Avant lui, seuls Moussa Traoré, président de 1968 à 1991, et Amadou Toumani Touré, chef de l’État en 1991-1992 puis de 2002 à 2012, avaient atteint ce grade.
16.10.24 RFI: Mali: comment Wagner a intensifié ses opérations dans la commune de Nampala: Au Mali, le groupe Wagner, supplétif de l'armée nationale, a intensifié ses opérations dans la commune de Nampala, région de Ségou, dans le centre du pays, près de la frontière mauritanienne. La semaine dernière, une vingtaine de personnes ont été arrêtées et deux autres tuées. Les jihadistes du Jnim, lié à al-Qaïda, sont très présents dans la zone, mais les populations locales rapportent des arrestations massives et des exécutions extra-judiciaires menées par le groupe Wagner.
02.10.24 AA: Russia to begin exploration for lithium, oil, gas deposits in Mali next month
27.10.24 Sahara Media: Le ministère mauritanien des affaires étrangères : « la Mauritanie accueille 400.000 réfugiés des pays du sahel »: La Mauritanie accueille entre 350 000 et 400 000 jeunes migrants du Sahel, ce qui « équivaut à 10 pour cent de la population totale », a déclaré Mohamed Salem Ould Merzoug, ministre mauritanien des Affaires étrangères, de la Coopération africaine et des Mauritaniens de l’extérieur.
28.10.24 Sahara Media: La ministre espagnole de la défense en visite en Mauritanie pour discuter les questions de défense et de sécurité: Les deux parties devraient consacrer une partie de leurs entretiens à la question de la migration, qui constitue une préoccupation majeure pour l’Espagne, les côtes mauritaniennes étant devenues un point de départ privilégié pour les migrants clandestins en direction du territoire espagnol.
20.10.24 Tagesspiegel: Neue Fluchtroute über Mauretanien: Was Europas Druck auf den letzten Verbündeten in der Region bewirkt: Verstärkt fliehen afrikanische Migranten über Mauretanien auf die Kanaren. Europa zahlt auch hier Geld, um das zu verhindern. Doch das schafft neue Probleme für das arme Land. Mit der EU-Unterstützung werden noch weniger Abfahrten gelingen. Das konnte man in Tunesien nach dem umstrittenen Deal mit der EU beobachten. Das bedeutet aber auch, dass mehr Ausländer dauerhaft in Mauretanien bleiben.
Sie arbeiten als Haushaltshilfen oder Bauarbeiter, werden aber schlechter bezahlt als Einheimische. „Arbeitgeber nehmen jetzt bevorzugt Ausländer, weil sie billiger sind“, sagt ein Experte in Nouadhibou. Das dürfte zu mehr sozialen Spannungen in dem verarmten Land führen.
17.10.24 ECRE Working Paper: The EU-Mauritania Partnership: Whose Priorities?: The working paper illustrates how the dynamics of the negotiations that preceded the signing of the Partnership suggest a restructuring of relations between the EU and Mauritania, one that is driven by both political concerns about migration in Spain, and the shifting geopolitical landscape in the Sahel region. It also describes the negative consequences of the Partnership for migrants and asylum seekers in Mauritania
30.10.24 Jeune Afrique: Autrefois interdit au Niger, Starlink revient pour améliorer la couverture internet du pays
28.10.24 Jeune Afrique: Au Niger, Al-Qaïda affirme avoir frappé aux portes de Niamey: Ce samedi 26 octobre, le Groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans (GSIM ou JNIM, affilié à Al-Qaïda) a annoncé avoir frappé un poste de sécurité à Séno, aux portes de Niamey.
09.10.24 RFI: Unprecedented Niger floods displace 1.1 million as devastation grows: Intense flooding caused by heavy rains has devastated Niger since June, killing 339 people and displacing over 1.1 million, authorities say.
01.10.24 AJE: Nigerians decry ‘anti-poor’ measures in new protests against the government: For the second time in two months, angry protesters in several cities across Nigeria are trooping out to denounce biting economic hardship in the West African country and to call for change.
In the capital Abuja on Tuesday, police fired tear gas canisters into crowds of demonstrators as they marched and screamed chants of “no more hunger” and “end bad governance”.
30.10.24 VoA: Près de 600 migrants clandestins secourus en mer en dix jours au large des côtes sénégalaises: La Marine sénégalaise a porté secours mardi au large des côtes nationales à 183 migrants irrréguliers à bord d'une pirogue sur la route maritime de l'Europe, indique-t-elle sur les réseaux sociaux.
L'opération menée au large de Djiffer (ouest) non loin du point de départ de l'embarcation dans le delta du Saloum porte à 582 le nombre de migrants secourus en dix jours, selon les informations fournies par la Marine après trois interventions distinctes.
17.10.24 TNH: A fool’s mission: Trying to track the impact of EU migration funding in Senegal: Last year, I set out to investigate the on-the-ground impact of the tens of millions of euros the EU has spent trying to address the root causes of migration in Senegal. The funding for these efforts came from the EU Trust Fund for Africa – a five-billion-euro pot of money launched in 2015.
16.10.24 rtbf: Asile et Migration : aide européenne de 30 millions d’euros au Sénégal pour endiguer l’immigration clandestine: "En réponse à une demande du gouvernement, l’Union européenne vient d’approuver une enveloppe de 30 millions d’euros" pour contribuer "à prévenir les départs irréguliers et à sauver des vies sénégalaises", a déclaré Jutta Urpilainen, commissaire européenne aux partenariats internationaux, à des journalistes dans la capitale sénégalaise. Les fonds seront utilisés pour aider les autorités sénégalaises à secourir les migrants en danger et à lutter contre le trafic de migrants et la traite des êtres humains, a-t-elle ajouté. Ils serviront également à sensibiliser la population aux dangers de la migration clandestine, a-t-elle ajouté. "Notre principal message, c’est que nous ne voulons plus voir de tragédies en mer".
28.10.24 Jeune Afrique: Au Tchad, Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno lance l’opération Haskanite après une nouvelle attaque de Boko Haram: Les jihadistes de Boko Haram ont mené une attaque dans la région du lac Tchad, à la frontière du Nigeria, et tué une quarantaine de militaires tchadiens, suscitant une contre-offensive des forces de N’Djamena. Cette attaque sur une base militaire située à Barkaram, une île située à l’ouest de Ngouboua « a tragiquement fait une quarantaine de morts parmi nos soldats »
Sub Saharan Africa
19.10.24 NYT: Tensions Spike in Mozambique After Killing of 2 Political Activists: Mozambique is struggling to contain a violent, Islamic State-backed insurgency in the north, which is adding to the economic perils of this former Portuguese colony of 33 million people. Unemployment and poverty are high. Public investment in essential sectors like education, health and infrastructure are lacking.
Also see NYT 31.10.24: ‘Ready to die’: Protesters face bullets for political change in Mozambique
West Asia
01.10.24 AJE: Israel’s war on Lebanon triggers unprecedented displacement crisis: The explosions triggered mayhem as thousands of people and vehicles in the camp rushed towards its narrow exits. Dina grabbed her 12-year-old brother and ran down the stairs from their home, where she saw their elderly mother lying on the ground covered in debris.
31.10.24 taz: Syrische Geflüchtete in Jordanien In Armut gefangen: In Jordanien müssen Geflüchtete neuerdings hohe Gebühren zahlen, um arbeiten zu können. Das hängt auch mit fehlenden Hilfsgeldern zusammen.
25.10.24 taz: Eine Milliarde Dollar an Hilfe: Bei einer internationalen Konferenz für den Libanon ist in Frankreich etwa eine Milliarde Dollar an humanitärer und militärischer Hilfe zugesagt worden. Das teilte der französische Außenminister Jean-Noël Barrot am Donnerstag zum Ende der Veranstaltung mit. 800 Millionen seien für humanitäre Unterstützung vorgesehen, der Rest für die libanesischen Sicherheitskräfte. „Wir sind der Herausforderung gewachsen“, sagte Barrot. Deutschland steuert 96 Millionen Euro bei und Frankreich 100 Millionen Euro.
30.10.24 taz: Flüchtlingsunterbringung in Bulgarien„Sehr viele schlafen im Park“ : Mehr Abschiebungen nach Bulgarien und andere Schengen-Länder? Flüchtlingshelfer Stephan Reichel hat vor Ort mit Betroffenen gesprochen. Und war entsetzt.
30.10.24 EU: Commissioner O’Flaherty expresses concern about the situation of migrant and asylum-seeking people stranded in the buffer zone and allegations of summary returns at sea: The Commissioner highlighted the situation of some 35 individuals who have been stranded in the buffer zone for several months. “Prolonged stays in poor conditions expose them to significant risks of violation of the human rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), including the prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment and the right to private and family life”, he said.
Also see:
31.10.24 Clara Bünger: Bilanz der umfassenden Binnengrenzkontrollen: Gefährliche Symbolpolitik: Die Bundesregierung behauptet, mit der Einführung umfassender Binnengrenzkontrollen unerlaubte Einreisen reduzieren zu wollen. Doch die Zahlen der Bundesregierung zeigen, dass das Gegenteil der Fall ist.
22.10.24 taz: Seerettung: Mehr Kritik an FDP: Die FDP-Fraktion im Bundestag forderte das Außenministerium dazu auf, die Förderung privater Seenotretter einzustellen.
18.10.24 taz: Abschreckung, Abschiebung, Abschottung: Die Ampel hat das Asylrecht verschärft, Konservativen und Rechten reicht das noch nicht. Auf europäischer Ebene schmieden sie neue Allianzen.
16.10.24 SZ: Wieso Schleuser wieder griechische Inseln ansteuern: Auf Kreta und der vorgelagerten Insel Gavdos kommen immer häufiger Flüchtlingsboote an. Die Schiffe starten in Ostlibyen, die meisten Boat People kommen aus Ägypten.
12.10.24 Tagesspiegel: Lage an EU-Grenze spitzt sich zu: Das griechische Dilemma: Seitdem Deutschland und andere nördliche EU-Staaten kürzlich angekündigt haben, ihre Grenzen stärker abzuschotten, befürchtet die griechische Regierung einen Domino-Effekt: Während aus dem Süden und Osten immer mehr neue Flüchtende hinzukommen, könnte deren Weiterzug in den Norden erschwert werden
23.10.24 AJE: Why is Hungary’s Orban sending soldiers to Chad?: An unlikely friendship is budding between Budapest and N’Djamena with the goal of stemming migration to Europe. In the past year alone, Hungary has opened a diplomatic mission in the Sahelian nation, launched a humanitarian centre and promised $200m in aid. It also plans to send soldiers to help Chad fight armed groups.
22.10.24 Infomigrants: L’Italie publie un nouveau décret sur les "pays sûrs" pour sauver son accord avec l’Albanie: Le gouvernement italien a publié lundi un nouveau décret visant à sauver son accord avec l’Albanie, qui prévoit l’externalisation des demandes d’asile dans ce pays voisin. L’exécutif a dévoilé une nouvelle liste de pays considérés comme "sûrs" pour envoyer les ressortissants originaires de ces États vers l’Albanie, sans être contrecarré par une décision de justice. Mais les juristes estiment que cette modification législative risque quand même de poser de nouvelles questions juridiques.
Also see Tagesschau 19.10.24: Italien muss Migranten aus Albanien holen; taz 22.10.24: Per Dekret nach Albanien
24.10.24 Melting Pot: La Polonia sospenderà temporaneamente il diritto d’asilo a chi arriva dalla Bielorussia: La Polonia adotta una nuova strategia migratoria chiamata “Riprendere il controllo. Garantire la sicurezza. Una strategia migratoria completa e responsabile per la Polonia per gli anni 2025-2030”, con l’obiettivo dichiarato di aumentare il controllo alle frontiere e garantire la sicurezza nazionale.
Il primo ministro Donald Tusk aveva annunciato nei giorni scorsi la sospensione temporanea del diritto di chiedere asilo per le persone che arrivano dalla Bielorussia.
Also see Tagesspiegel 12.10.24: Polen will Asylrecht vorübergehend aussetzen
11.10.24 Notes from Poland: Poland to establish EU-funded “foreigner integration centres” to serve growing number of migrants: Poland is establishing 49 new “integration centres for foreigners” across the country to “provide standardised services to newly arrived migrants and serve as platforms for cooperation between local authorities, the government and NGOs”, the European Commission has announced. The centres will be set up by local authorities in Poland’s 16 provinces, in cooperation with other institutions dealing with migrants, including at least one non-governmental organisation experienced in working with migrants.
28.10.24 Tagesspiegel: Spanien macht es anders: Mit neuer Migrationspolitik soll die Wirtschaft gerettet werden: Spanien möchte Einwanderung erleichtern - Die Reform sieht vor, Fristen für den Zugang zu Aufenthalts- und Arbeitsgenehmigungen zu verkürzen und zu erleichtern, bestehende Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen können auf größere Zeiträume verlängert werden, akademische Qualifikationen leichter anerkannt werden.
Spanien möchte Einwanderung erleichtern
Die Reform sieht vor, Fristen für den Zugang zu Aufenthalts- und Arbeitsgenehmigungen zu verkürzen und zu erleichtern, bestehende Aufenthaltsgenehmigungen können auf größere Zeiträume verlängert werden, akademische Qualifikationen leichter anerkannt werden.
Also see Guardian 25.10.24: A prime minister defending immigration? It can happen. It just did here in Spain: Pedro Sánchez’s tone sharply contrasts with that of his European counterparts. He needs to prove it’s not just rhetoric
19.10.2024 Guardian: UK deports record number of Nigerians and Ghanaians in single flight: A record number of Nigerians and Ghanaians were deported to their home countries on one flight, with 44 forcibly removed on Friday
European Union
26.10.24 Migreurop: Frontex celebrates 20 years of rights violations with impunity: The European coastguard and border guard agency turns 20 years old on this 26 October 2024 [1]. It’s a sad anniversary for an agency that has been widely blamed for decades for direct and indirect violations of the rights of people on the move [2]. An agency whose aim is to ‘protect’ Europe’s borders, with no regard for the lives and safety of those who try to cross them. An agency that is the symbol of a deadly border regime and the standard-bearer of repressive and ultra-secure migration policies, the dramatic consequences of which have been amply demonstrated.
Powerful, untouchable and indestructible, Frontex is not only still there 20 years on, but its activities have expanded massively [3]. Despite documented and filmed violations of rights [4], despite pernicious collaboration with failed [5] or authoritarian regimes [6], despite internal malfunctions [7], despite the relentless efforts of civil society to shed light on its culpable actions and abuses [8], and despite - more recently - increased vigilance on the part of the European institutions [9].
Also see Abolish Frontex: Open Letter: Frontex's 20th anniversary should also be its last
29.10.2024 EU: Technical infrastructure and communication systems of the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova – modernised with the financial support of the European Union: The European Union has provided the Border Police of the Republic of Moldova with essential equipment to modernise technical infrastructure and border communication systems.
29.10.52 ARD (Video): Zurück aufs Meer: Eine Recherche zu Pushbacks in Griechenland: Seit 2020 wurden mehrere tausend Migranten ins Meer zurückgeworfen und in Rettungsinseln in türkischen Gewässern treiben gelassen. Diese neue Untersuchung des Magazins "Mit offenen Daten" enthüllt den systematischen und organisierten Charakter der Abschiebungen von Migranten in Griechenland. Seit 2020 wurden Tausende von Migranten, einschließlich Frauen und Kindern, von der griechischen Küstenwache in Rettungsinseln auf das Meer hinausgeworfen und dann in türkischen Gewässern treiben gelassen.
17.10.24 AJE: EU leaders to discuss stricter measures to curb arrivals of asylum seekers: on the agenda at the summit on Thursday in Brussels, a key topic will be how to deal with irregular migrants arriving in the 27-nation bloc by land from the east and by sea from the south.
This is seen by most EU governments as a political and security risk that is driving the rise of populist and far-right parties and influencing elections.
EU Council President Charles Michel, in an invitation letter to EU leaders, wrote, “We will … focus on concrete measures to prevent irregular migration including strengthened control of our external borders, enhanced partnerships and reinforced return policies.”
Also see taz 17.10.24: Von der Leyen will Abschiebezentren außerhalb der EU; Tagesschau 15.10.24: Von der Leyen offen für Melonis Asylmodell; Infomigrants 11.10.14: Évacuations de Libye : l’interminable attente des migrants dans le centre de transit de Gashora au Rwanda
15.10.24 FRONTEX: EU external borders: Detections down 42% in first 9 months of 2024: The number of irregular border crossings into the European Union fell by 42% to 166 000 in the first nine months of this year, according to preliminary data collected by Frontex.*
The most significant declines in irregular border crossings were observed on the Western Balkan and Central Mediterranean routes, with a 79% and 64% decline, respectively.
Over 3 000 Frontex officers and staff are deployed across Europe to help manage the EU’s external borders.
14.10.24 medico: Irreführend und verkürzt: m Mai 2024 wurde die Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems (GEAS) durch den Europäischen Pakt für Migration und Asyl auf EU-Ebene beschlossen. Bis 2026 muss diese Reform auch in deutsches Recht überführt werden. Das Bundesinnenministerium (BMI) präsentiert die GEAS-Reform in seinem „Faktencheck“ als „nie zuvor erreichte[n] Kompromiss, der zeigt, dass Europa gemeinsam handlungsfähig ist“. Unser Faktencheck widerlegt Behauptungen des Innenministeriums zur Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystems.
11.10.24 CNCD-11.11.11: A l’heure où le Conseil européen (17 et 18 octobre) s’apprête à renforcer l’externalisation, le CNCD-11.11.11 publie deux analyses qui reviennent sur les objectifs poursuivis par l’externalisation et ses conséquences sur les droits des personnes exilées et la place de l’UE sur la scène internationale. L’externalisation, face sombre du Pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile and Les conséquences de l’externalisation pour les personnes exilées et la place de l’UE dans la géopolitique internationale
11.10.24 Lighthouse Reorts: Turkey’s EU-funded deportation machine: The EU has funnelled hundreds of millions of euros into a shadowy deportation system operating just outside its borders in Turkey. Syrian and Afghan refugees have been detained, abused and even killed as a result.
We documented €213 million euros in EU funding for the construction and maintenance of around 30 removal centres in Turkey, with a total of nearly €1 billion given to the country to help manage the flow of people across its borders. Some of these funds have been used to expand fingerprinting systems now used to track down and pick up migrants on the streets, and to kit out removal centres with barbed wire and higher walls.
01.11.2024 ARD (Video): Ausgesetzt in der Wüste · Europas tödliche Flüchtlingspolitik: Die Dokumentation beleuchtet die dramatischen Folgen europäischer Flüchtlingspolitik, zeigt exklusiv, wie EU-finanzierte Sicherheitskräfte in Nordafrika systematisch Menschen in die Wüste verschleppen und welche Verantwortung Europas Regierungen tragen.
Also see: Guardian 23.10.24: EU refuses to publish findings of Tunisia human rights inquiry: Inquiry preceded controversial migration deal linked to claims of abuse in increasingly authoritarian country
28.09.2024 DW: How Europe's far right is changing EU asylum policy: The EU has been hardening its migration policy for years, but the ascendant fortunes of the far right have member states skittish about their freshly agreed asylum reform package.
Reports and Long Reads
07.10.24 Alarmphone: Ten Years Alarm Phone: In October 2024, the Alarm Phone turns ten years old. For 3,650 days and nights, we have been on shift. During these shifts, we were alerted to over 8,000 boats from all corners of the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic region or the English Channel, directly by the people on the move or their relatives and friends.
For our tenth anniversary, we publish this book. In it, we share articles, analyses, interviews, and poems.
04.10.24 Euromed Rights: New report: An analysis of digital surveillance technologies for migration control at the Spanish southern border: Over the past two decades, the use of digital technologies at the borders of the European Union has increased. The EU and its member states are investing more resources and funding in developing technologies that track migration flows, collect fingerprints and other biometric data, and monitor maritime borders with drones and conventional, infrared and thermal cameras. The integration of automated technologies has significantly changed migration surveillance and border management in the past years. However, an analysis of Spain’s southern border reveals a more complicated picture. Although the installation of new technologies and surveillance systems is progressing, field research reveals that these advances are costly and slow to implement.
Oct 24 No Name Kitchen: Investigation on Illegal Croatian Potice Practices: The theft and destruction of belongings is a part of the violent structure of these border regimes. Instead of allowing safe and legal pathways for PoMs to access and apply for asylum within the EU they in-cinerate their very means towards arrival.
Burning phones, the key material found within burn piles, removes a crucial tool for people to navigate through these violent terrains. The destruction of phones also removes with it people’s ability to contact and connect with their homes and families
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