African Civil Society Perspectives on EU Africa Cooperation

ECRE has become increasingly concerned about the impact of Europe's toxic migration control policies on other regions, including Africa. As European and some EU policy-makers clamour to make migration deals with African governments, to get them to prevent migration, to contain people or to accept back their own or other countries' nationals, all the signs were of limited gains and significant negative effects. To find out more about what's going on, ECRE commissioned a set of papers from civil society representatives across Africa, published today. The authors will also be participating in events in Brussels to meet policy-makers to share more of their analysis.

The papers confirm negative trends, including the capture of external policies and the diversion of funds so they are focused on Europe's migration control objectives rather than their original objectives which might be in the interest of populations in Africa, such as security, development, trade and so on. The papers also show, however, that Europe can have a positive impact on the rights of refugees in African countries, such as supporting the right to work or free movement rights.

The bulletin includes papers on:

EU-AU Relations

The Case of Morocco

The Case of Senegal

The Case of Niger

The Case of Ethiopia

The Case of Kenya

The Inclusion of Refugees in Kenya

Full titleecre-weekly-bulletin-special-edition-african-civil-society-perspectives
Media typeArticle
Topics European Externalization Policies & Cash Flows
Regions East & Horn of Africa, North Africa, Sahara and Sahel, West Africa

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