Internally displaced people in Mali's capital city: When a crisis turns chronic

As world attention focuses on Central Mali’s conflict hot spots, more than 50,000 of the country’s 311,193 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have fled to Mali’s southern cities, including the capital Bamako. The inhuman conditions in the informal IDP camps manifest an overall failure to protect civilians despite the presence of more than 25,000 foreign soldiers, 13,000 of whom are UN peace keepers. To support peacekeeping efforts, long-term development investment must be complemented with short-term assistance to provide protection, food and shelter to Mali’s most vulnerable victims of war.

Full titleUnspecified
AuthorBoukary Sangaré and Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde
PublisherDIIS Policy Brief
Media typeArticle
Topics Military Missions, International governmental organisations, IGOs (UNHCR, IOM)
Regions Sahara and Sahel

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