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From Tripoli to Berlin

August 23rd, 2024

Please save the date!The meeting will take place in Berlin. Exact space and program will be shared soon.

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ملف السودان: لجان المقاومة وميثاقها الثوري لتأسيس سلطة الشعب

August 16th, 2024

افتتاحيةتم تسجيل المقابلة التالية مع عثمان عبد الله في 18 مايو 2024، ثم تم نسخها وتحريرها.بعد أكثر من 15 شهراً من الحرب 25 مليون شخص على شفا المجاعة، وأكثر من …

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Monthly July 2024

August 10th, 2024

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review July 2024 covers topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime. Please also …

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Sudan Dossier: The Neighbourhood Committees and the Revolutionary Charter

August 7th, 2024

Questions by Marwan Osman and Eberhard JungferEditorialThe following interview with Osman Abdallah was recorded in May 18th, 2024, and then transscribed and edited.After more than 15 months of war, there …

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Bi-monthly Bulletin 2

July 3rd, 2024

Deutsch unten Vollständiger Text auf Deutsch zum Download hier Outsourcing borders. Monitoring EU externalisation policyBulletin 02, 3 July 2024“Like all walls it was ambiguous, two-faced. What was inside it and …

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A bottomless pit: billions more euros for externalised border controls

July 3rd, 2024

Analyse auf Deutsch unten.This Analysis is part of the Bi-monthly Bulletin 2In view of the recently concluded mid-term review of the EU’s budget, funding for the externalisation of migration control …

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Monthly Review June 2024

July 2nd, 2024

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review June 2024 covers topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime. Please also …

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النشرة نصف الشهرية: الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية لمراقبة الحدود في الاتحاد الأوروبي

June 10th, 2024

29 أبريل 2024 سنواصل الكفاح من أجل عالم أكثر عدلاً. سنواصل استنطاق ضمائرنا. سنواصل توثيق ما يحدث... إن توثيق ما يحدث طريقة رائعة للمقاومة ". - ديفيد يامبو، لاجئون في …

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Monthly Review May 2024

June 10th, 2024

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review May 2024 covers topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime. Please also …

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Desperation and Hope: Sudanese Refugees' Struggle in Amhara Region Camps

May 30th, 2024

For years, Sudanese refugees in the Amhara Region have endured a litany of challenges, from insecurity to environmental hazards and declining health. Their appeals for assistance have too often fallen …

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Sudan Dossier: One Year of War: Destroying the Social Fabric of Revolution

May 19th, 2024

One year of war in Sudan. In order to commemorate and to provide solid information partly from friends who have been part of the revolution, some of them still being …

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Monthly Review April 2024

May 5th, 2024

OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review April 2024 covers topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime. Please also …

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Nachrichten, Kommentare und Berichte, die in Bezug auf unsere Fragen wichtig sind. Der Blog ist mehrsprachig. Einzelne Beiträge sind als Extensive Analysis Post hervorgehoben. Seit Oktober 2020 gibt die Monthly Review, eine monatliche Zusammenstellung interessanter Artikel und Reports.

News, comments and reports that are important in relation to our questions. The blog is multilingual. Individual contributions are highlighted as Extensive Analysis Post. The Monthly Review, a monthly compilation of interesting articles and reports, has been available since October 2020.

Des nouvelles, des commentaires et des rapports qui sont importants par rapport à nos questions. Le blog est multilingue. Quelques messages individuels sont mis en évidence comme Extensive Analysis Post. Depuis octobre 2020, Monthly Review, une compilation mensuelle d’articles et de rapports intéressants.

الأخبار والتعليقات والتقارير الهامة التي تتعلق بأسئلتنا. تتوفر المدونة بعدة لغات. يتم تسليط الضوء على المساهمات الفردية مثل المقالات التحليلية الشاملة. تتوفر المراجعة الشهرية، وهي تجميع شهري للمقالات والتقارير المثيرة للاهتمام، منذ أكتوبر 2020.