
Joint Statement: Egyptian authorities must end arbitrary detentions and forced deportations of Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers.
March 28th, 2024
The undersigned organizations urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately stop the serious abuses against Sudanese seeking refuge in Egypt. After issuing Decree No. 3326 of 2023, end of August 2023, …

Journées d'Action à Dakar: 72h Push Back Frontex
August 16th, 2023
+++Deutsch unten+++L'organisation de la société civile sénégalaise Boza Fii a organisé une action de 72 heures dans la banlieue de Dakar au début du mois. Par cette action, ses membres …

“This is a shame for humanity” – Update on the ongoing protest of the Refugees in Tunisia
June 2nd, 2023
For about three months, around 200 migrants and refugees have been protesting in front of the offices of UNHCR and IOM in Tunis to demand their rights.

“Si on reste, on meurt” – Témoignages de réfugié-es en Tunisie sur leur sit-in de protestation au HCR à Tunis et son expulsion violente
May 6th, 2023
Le 11 avril 2023, les réfugié-es et migrant-es qui organisaient un sit-in devant les bureaux du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) à Tunis, la capitale tunisienne, ont …

“Si on reste, on meurt” – Témoignages de réfugié-es en Tunisie sur leur sit-in de protestation au HCR à Tunis et son expulsion violente
May 6th, 2023
Le 11 avril 2023, les réfugié-es et migrant-es qui organisaient un sit-in devant les bureaux du Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) à Tunis, la capitale tunisienne, ont …

Joint Statement: Tunisia is neither a safe country of origin nor a place of safety for those rescued at sea
April 17th, 2023
In the past months, the crackdown against perceived political opponents, civil society, and minoritized populations in Tunisia has intensified. Several Tunisian and international human rights organizations have raised their concerns …

تونس ليست بلد منشأ ولا ملاذا آمنا لمن يتم إنقاذهم في البحر
April 17th, 2023
قوارب خشبية من ليبيا وقوارب حديدية من تونس اعترضها الحرس البحري التونسي في ميناء اللوزة، 40 كيلومت…

Racist and fascist attacks - Call for Donations for Black people in Tunisia
February 27th, 2023
In recent weeks, Black people in Tunisia face a repressive wave of arbitrary arrests and police and state violence as well as physical attacks by organized and non-organized civil groups. …

New Developments Along the Tunisian Route
February 5th, 2023
Over the last two years, the number of people leaving Tunisia by boat to reach Italy has been increasing. This analysis describes the latest developments along this route, while placing …

تطورات جديدة على الطريق التونسي
February 1st, 2023
على مدى العامين الماضيين ، تزايد عدد الأشخاص الذين يغادرون تونس بالقوارب للوصول إلى إيطاليا. يصف هذا التحليل آخر التطورات على طول هذا الطريق ، مع وضعها في الإطار الأوسع …

Deadly policies in the Mediterranean: stop the shipwrecks caused off the coast of Tunisia
December 19th, 2022
Français ci-dessous // italiano sotto For two years now, the number of shipwrecks and disappearances of boats of people on the move trying to reach Italy happening close to the …

سياسات قاتلة في البحر الأبيض المتوسط: من اجل وضع حد لحالات الغرق المريبة على السواحل التونسية
December 19th, 2022
العربية سياسات قاتلة في البحر الأبيض المتوسط: من اجل وضع حد لحالات الغرق المريبة على السواحل التونس…