Monthly August 2024
September 2nd, 2024
OUT NOW: Our Monthly Press Review August 2024 covers topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime. Please also find our update on the Gaza war and on the war in Sudan.
In case there is a news item, report, or campaign you would like to flag in next month’s review please write us via or on Twitter @MigControl.
Also we are seasrching for materials on UAE and their entanglement with the RSF-Militia in Chad and Sudan. If you can contribute, plse send it to the contact-address.
Also see Migreurop: Revue de Presse 1er au 15 Juillet 2024

Follow Up: Gaza
23.08.24 +972: Israelis’ dehumanization of Palestinians is now absolute
With this article, we close the Follow Up. This review is not reporting on wars. And that war is far from over. Attacks on the Westbank are the next step to keep the war going, and the Netanyahu-Government in power.
„Led by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, this faction is pushing for Israel to go further on the West Bank in what analysts said are efforts to completely annex the land and displace Palestinians.
A statement by Katz on Wednesday that Israel should displace Palestinians living in the northern West Bank just as it does regularly to the people in Gaza has raised fears further on that front.“
Also see RosaLux 14.08.24: Israels unsichtbare zweite Front: „Nie zuvor hatten sie einen derartigen Einfluss auf die israelische Politik, und Netanjahu hat Angst, dass sie die Regierung zu Fall bringen könnten, was ihnen enormen Einfluss und Macht verleiht, um den Krieg am Laufen zu halten.“
21.08.14 Guardian: People in Gaza forced to stay in areas at risk of Israeli attack as ‘safe zone’ full: Overcrowding in humanitarian zone dissuading those given evacuation orders by IDF from leaving, say UN officials
All Africa
28.08.24 NYT: Africa’s Debt Crisis Has ‘Catastrophic Implications’ for the World: Crushing obligations to foreign creditors that have few precedents have sapped numerous African nations of growth and stoked social instability.
27.08.24 Guardian: Rapidly urbanising Africa to have six cities with populations above 10m by 2035: Youthful, growing cities expected to create wealth and opportunities but stretch public and utility services. By 2035, on top of the six megacities, the continent will have 17 urban areas with more than 5 million people and about another 100 with more than 1 million.
21.08.24 ACLED: Q&A: The Wagner Group’s new life after the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin: After the death of the Wagner Group’s Yevgeny Prigozhin, violence involving Russian mercenaries has increased in Africa. In the fourth quarter of 2023, ACLED data show that activity doubled from the previous quarter — whether it was under the name of Wagner or any of its successor organizations like ‘Africa Corps.’ The first two quarters of 2024 also saw more Russian mercenary-related political violence events in Africa than when Prigozhin was alive
Also see The Africa Report 27.08.24:Russia: Who’s who in the ex‑Wagner Africa Corps?
12.08.24 AJE: Is Africa experiencing a protest-led revolution?: Amid protests in Kenya, Uganda and Nigeria, some analysts say an ‘African Spring’ is in the making. Others say this is an incomplete story.
North Africa
For regular info, see SWP WebMonitor Nahost/Nordafrika
13.08.24 The Africa Report: Algeria’s presidential election: Tebboune and his inner circle at El Mouradia Palace: The incumbent president of Algeria is sure to try for a second term in office in the 7 September elections, despite the presence of his two challengers, Youcef Aouchiche and Abdelaali Hassani Cherif. Since coming to power, Abdelmadjid Tebboune has depended day-to-day on a handful of advisers and loyal supporters, some of whom have been with him since the beginning.
30.08.24 AJE: Libya’s central bank chief flees country over militia threats: Report: Tripoli-based Presidential Council appoints new board of directors, with banking operations suspended amid upheaval.
26.08.24 Tagesspiegel: Frankreichs Abhängigkeit von Marokko : Versöhnungsversuch trotz zahlreicher Konflikte: Die Bereitschaft zum Einlenken auf beiden Seiten wird von Experten mit der gegenseitigen Abhängigkeit beider Länder und den geopolitischen Veränderungen erklärt. Etwa 1,6 Millionen Marokkaner leben in Frankreich, die Hälfte davon besitzt auch die französische Staatsangehörigkeit. Alle großen französischen Unternehmen sind in Marokko vertreten, angeführt von Alstrom, France Telecom, Renault. Frankreich ist der größte Investor im Land.
26.08.24 Tagesspiegel: Viele nutzen den dichten Nebel über dem Meer: Nach Angaben spanischer Behörden versuchen derzeit Tausende Menschen, illegal in die spanische Nordafrika-Exklave Ceuta zu gelangen und damit in die EU. Seit Donnerstag hätten täglich im Schnitt fast 700 Flüchtlinge probiert, schwimmend oder mit kleinen Booten in die Küstenstadt zu gelangen. Die hauptsächlich aus Marokko und Algerien stammenden Migranten hätten dabei auch den dichten Nebel über dem Meer ausgenutzt.
13.08.24 Tagesschau: Arbeiter bestreiken Kobaltmine: BMW lässt in einer Mine in Marokko Kobalt abbauen. Recherchen von NDR, WDR und SZ hatten dort Probleme bei Umwelt- und Sozialstandards offengelegt. Nun wird die Mine bestreikt, offenbar auch wegen schlechter Arbeitsbedingungen.
27.08.24 Infomigrants: Nouvelle SAR zone tunisienne : "Ils ne répondent pas à nos appels", dénonce une ONG en mer: Lundi, l'ONG allemande Sea Watch a demandé l'aide des garde-côtes tunisiens pour secourir des migrants en Méditerranée, en vain. Tunis n'a jamais répondu à leur appel. Le pays s'est pourtant doté d'un "centre de recherche et de sauvetage" (MRCC) depuis le mois de juin pour secourir toute personne en détresse au large de ses côtes, dans les eaux internationales.
21.08.24 SZ: Brutale Bremse: Die Zahl der Bootsflüchtlinge ist drastisch gesunken, gut 38 000 sind laut Innenministerium in Rom dieses Jahr angekommen (Stand 19. August). Vor einem Jahr waren es zur gleichen Zeit bereits 105 000 Menschen. Das liegt vor allem an Tunesien und Libyen. 2023 sagte die EU Tunesien 105 Millionen Euro dafür zu, Italien und Frankreich wollen weiteres Geld geben. Im Mai erklärte die Nationalgarde, es seien mehr als 21 000 Migranten auf See „an der Ausreise gehindert oder gerettet“ worden.
15.08.24 AJE: A candidate cull ahead of Tunisia’s presidential election: Most prospective candidates saw their names ruled out, with some finding themselves in prison.
Also see Zeit 08.08.24: Tunesiens Staatschef entlässt den Ministerpräsidenten: Wasser- und Stromausfälle plagen die Bevölkerung in Tunesien. Die Regierung sieht Dürre als Ursache. Der Präsident wittert hingegen eine Verschwörung.
East Africa:
28.08.24 taz: Showdown in Somalia: Der Kampf zwischen Ägypten und Äthiopien um die Vorherrschaft im nordöstlichen Afrika wird jetzt in Somalia ausgetragen. Nach Medienberichten hat Ägypten mit der Stationierung einer Eingreiftruppe von bis zu 10.000 Mann in Somalia begonnen, auf Einladung der dortigen Regierung. Parallel dazu will Somalias Regierung die im Land aktiven Eingreiftruppen aus Äthiopien loswerden. Was formal als eher undurchsichtiger Streit um die Nachfolge der Somalia-Eingreiftruppe der Afrikanischen Union (AU) ausgetragen wird, gestaltet sich in der Realität als Wettstreit zwischen den beiden rivalisierenden Großmächten der Region.
25.08.24 SWM: Huge oil spill in the Red Sea: Coasts of Eritrea, Sudan, and Yemen threatened by "environmental disaster". An oil tanker carrying four times as much crude oil as the Exxon Valdez, which infamously spilled oil across 2,100 km (1,300 miles) of Alaskan coastline in 1989, is currently burning 65 km off the coast of Eritrea.
21.08.24 Africa Report: How Ethiopia’s currency float and IMF deal are powering economic reform: Privatisation, foreign property ownership, and a new stock exchange expected to transform the nation’s economic landscape as the pace of reform in PM Ahmed Abiy’s government regains momentum.
ACLED Mid Year Metrics Sudan: This ACLED infographic provides a snapshot from the first six months of the year of the conflict in Sudan using insights from ACLED’s Conflict Exposure Calculator, Conflict Alert System (CAST), and Conflict Index.
30.08.24 Sudan Tribune: Sudan’s War Escalates: RSF shells Omdurman, battles rage in Sennar, Gedaref: The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) intensified their bombardment of Omdurman on Friday, using heavy artillery to target several areas, as fierce fighting between the paramilitary group and the Sudanese army raged in the states of Sennar and Gedaref. RSF utilized their positions in Khartoum and Khartoum Bahri to shell several historic neighbourhoods in Omdurman and the Al-Thawra suburb within the Karari locality, situated north of Omdurman.
30.08.24 AKWeb: 500 Tage Krieg: Die Hälfte der Menschen im Sudan kämpft gegen den Hunger – dabei gäbe es konkrete Maßnahmen, die helfen könnten
26.08.24 SWM: Sudanese authorities halt arrests of South Sudanese refugees: Sudanese authorities have ceased the arrest of South Sudanese refugees and allowed those already detained to return to their communities, following intense diplomatic pressure from Juba and threats of retaliatory actions. This move comes after Sudanese security forces launched targeted attacks on South Sudanese nationals across the country, stoking fears and uncertainty among the refugee population. The arrests, which took place in River Nile, White Nile, Gadaref, and Northern states, were part of a broader crackdown by Sudanese security forces that begun in late June and continued to mid-July 2024.
14.08.24 NYT: As Famine Deepens in Sudan, U.S. Leads New Push for Cease-Fire : The American-backed talks in Switzerland, which started on Wednesday, aim to halt a catastrophic civil war. But only one side has turned up.
Also see taz 26.08.24: Sudan-Gespräche bringen wenig: Nach zehn Tagen Gesprächen in Genf kommt jetzt mehr humanitäre Hilfe nach Sudan, und Fortschritte beim Zugang zu Bedürftigen werden vermeldet. Aber von einem Kriegsende ist nach wie vor keine Rede; AJE 23.08.24: Aid will enter Sudan by two routes, mediators say; AJE 22.08.24: Aid trucks enter civil war-torn Darfur as Sudan army eases restrictions; Guardian 13.08.24: Sudanese factions using starvation as weapon is ‘cowardice’, US envoy says
23.08.24 ACLED Situation Update: Drone warfare reaches deeper into Sudan as peace talks stall: The unexpected reach of fighter drones launched by the RSF has shattered the sense of security in regions far from conflict zones, making once peaceful areas vulnerable to sudden and devastating assaults
22.08.24 Radio Dabanga: Customs officers at Sudan-Egypt border on strike, El Burhan intervenes: Members of the Customs Clearance Chambers Union and freight workers at the Sudanese-Egyptian border in Northern State went on strike to protest against to new measures, including the weekly increase in the Customs Dollar rate, the delay in procedures, and the imposition of tax fees by various government agencies at the border crossings.
Also see Radio Dabanga 23.08.24: Sudan’s Suakin Sea Port ‘paralysed by workers strike’: Small traders and workers at the Osman Digna Port in Suakin south of Port Sudan, the capital of Red Sea state, are blocking the harbour since Wednesday morning, in protest against the new conditions for the import of goods, imposed in the beginning of this month.
19.08.24 TNH: Host families are sheltering millions of Sudanese – but we need more support: Roughly half of the nearly eight million Sudanese internally displaced by the conflict are being accommodated by friends, family, or strangers. We are the frontline responders to the world’s largest displacement crisis.
15.08.24 MEE: Sudanese communities take up arms as the army fails to protect civilians: Self-defence efforts have emerged across several regions, including el-Fasher in North Darfur, al-Dalang in South Kordofan, el-Obeid in North Kordofan, Babanusa in West Kordofan and central Sudan, including el-Gezira. These movements reflect a growing determination among communities to protect themselves, independent of SAF's command.
In response to RSF claims of surrounding Sennar, White Nile and Blue Nile states, a popular coalition known as The Middle Call has formed, branding their mission as "suicidal". According to its manifesto, the group aims to expel the RSF, accusing them of land grabbing and displacing local populations. The Middle Call plans to train and arm youth to fight the militias, launch a global media campaign to raise awareness, and pursue legal action against the RSF and its external backers, demanding compensation for the atrocities committed. They also intend to coordinate with Sudanese expatriates to provide humanitarian assistance.
14.08.24 Guardian: At least 68 people killed in flooding as rains worsen Sudan’s plight: The downpours, the heaviest recorded since 2019, have affected the western, northern and eastern parts of the country, flooding neighbourhoods and destroying houses, farms and infrastructure. About 27,000 people have been displaced since June as a result of the flooding, according to the UN.
Also see Tagesschau 27.08.24: Mehr als 100.000 Menschen durch Hochwasser obdachlos; AJE 26.08.24: More than 60 reported killed in northeast Sudan dam collapse; UN 19.08.24: Humanitarian aid to Sudan civilians stalled by floods and violence
14.08.24 Guardian: The Guardian view on Sudan’s vicious war: civilians suffer as outsiders jostle for advantage: To say the conflict has been forgotten is too kind: the world is largely indifferent – apart from those who hope to profit there
South Sudan
20.08.24 Guardian: UN warns that South Sudan faces ‘existential crisis’ ahead of uncertain polls: Senior UN officials warn that any election interpreted as unfair, corrupt or simply incompetent risks pushing one of the world’s poorest states back into nationwide conflict.
West Africa and Sahel
28.08.24 RFI: Migrations: après la Mauritanie, le Premier ministre espagnol poursuit sa tournée en Gambie et au Sénégal: Espagne et Mauritanie ont annoncé un renforcement de leur coopération pour lutter contre les passeurs de migrants illégaux vers l'Europe et favoriser la migration légale, lors d'une tournée en Afrique de l’Ouest du Premier ministre espagnol destinée à contrer l'afflux de clandestins dans son pays.
Mercredi 28 août au matin à Banjul, en Gambie, il a rencontré le président Adama Barrow et signé un autre mémorandum bilatéral de « migration circulaire ». Le Premier ministre espagnol est arrivé au Sénégal dans la soirée.
Also see Immigration : une question "de dignité et de solidarité" pour Pedro Sánchez, en visite en Mauritanie
23.08.24 NA Journal: Sahel/Sahara: Unprecedented Summer Flooding Devastates Numerous Regions: Every summer, the Sahara and Sahel regions experience floodings that cause deaths and damage. This year, however, the magnitude of the destruction appears more severe. In this month of August, devastating rains and floods hit the corridor stretching from southern Libya to the east, all the way to Mauritania to the west. Some of the most hit regions were in countries in between Mauritania and Libya, in particular Niger and Mali, which suffered human losses.
21.08.23 SZ: Am Außenposten Europas: Insgesamt trafen den offiziellen Zahlen zufolge im vergangenen Jahr fast 40 000 Menschen aus Schwarzafrika auf den Kanaren ein – mehr als zweieinhalbmal so viele wie 2022.
Burkina Faso
25.08.24 AJE: Up to 200 people killed in attack in central Burkina Faso: An armed group linked to al-Qaeda, Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), has claimed responsibility for what it says was an attack that killed up to 200 people and injured at least 140 in central Burkina Faso.
The attack took place on Saturday in the region of Barsalogho, about 40km (25 miles) north of the strategic town of Kaya, which analysts said is home to the last standing force protecting the capital, Ouagadougou.
Also see AJE 26.08.24: Nearly 200 people dead: What’s behind armed attacks in Burkina Faso?; RFI 19.08.24: Burkina Faso: attaque mortelle contre une unité d'intervention: Le 15 août, une unité du groupe d’action rapide de surveillance et d’intervention (Garsi) a été attaquée dans la région de la Boucle du Mouhoun, au Burkina Faso. L’embuscade, survenue à une dizaine de kilomètres de la ville de Tougan, a causé la mort d'au moins 14 membres des forces armées burkinabè; Reuters 14.08.24: Convoy carrying more than 1,000 civilians ambushed in Burkina last week, governor says: The ambush took place on Aug. 9 in the village of Tawori in the east of the Sahel country
06.08.24 VoA: Visite du groupe russe Rosatom pour un projet de centrale nucléaire au Burkina Faso: "Nous allons tout faire pour exécuter le plus rapidement possible les travaux d'installation de la centrale nucléaire". Fin 2020, seuls 22,5% des Burkinabè (67,4% en zone urbaine, 5,3% en milieu rural) avaient accès à l'électricité, selon la Banque africaine de développement (Bad). "Nous voulons à travers la solution nucléaire résoudre une bonne fois pour toutes et dans la durée le déficit énergétique que connaît le Burkina", a déclaré le ministre Gouba.
16.08.24 MSF: Worst floods in living memory: Eastern Chad battered by heavy rain: MSF is calling for a rapid response in Koukou, eastern Chad, where there are shortages of food, shelter, drinking water, and health care as floods affect thousands of people.
27.08.24 Defense News: US quietly reopens talks with Chad amid challenges in Africa posture: The U.S. has restarted talks over the future of its armed forces in Chad — the latest African country to express doubt over its relationship with the American military. In the last month, senior leaders from the State and Defense departments have visited the capital of N’Djamena, where they met with members of the Chadian government and armed forces to discuss their security ties.
26.08.24 AJE: Twenty-one civilians killed in Mali drone strikes: Separatist group: Mali’s army confirmed the drone attacks on national television, saying the “precision strikes targeted terrorists”.
12.08.24 DW: Inondations : les sinistrés se comptent par milliers au Mali: Au Mali, la saison des pluies connait des niveaux de précipitations historiques et a déjà fait des milliers de victimes.
Also see VoA 21.08.24: Des réfugiés burkinabè dans des conditions "désastreuses" dans le centre du Mali: Des milliers de réfugiés burkinabè fuyant les violences jihadistes dans leur pays ont afflué dans le centre du Mali voisin où ils vivent dans des "conditions désastreuses", a alerté mercredi le Conseil norvégien pour les réfugiés (NRC).
22.08.24 Le Monde: Au Niger, la capitale Niamey est encerclée par les eaux: En moins de trois mois, les inondations ont fait 217 morts et 200 blessés dans cet immense pays désertique, et plus de 350 000 sinistrés, selon les autorités militaires.
05.08.24 NYT: Pentagon Hands Over Last Base in Niger as Extremism Spreads in the Sahel: Relations between the two countries soured after a coup last year. Now the United States is scrambling to find new security partners.
26.07.24 RFI: Burkina Faso: face aux violences, des milliers de personnes se réfugient au Niger: La récente dégradation de la situation sécuritaire au Burkina a contraint des dizaines de milliers de personnes à se réfugier au Niger. C'est le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) qui s'en alarme (dans un communiqué publié le 23 juillet). Le HCR relève que cet afflux massif exacerbe une situation déjà « désastreuse » dans la région de Tillabéry.
02.08.24 NYT: Protesting Hunger, Nigerians Warn, ‘Life Cannot Continue Like This’: The long-planned demonstrations in the West African country drew inspiration from recent huge protests in Kenya, some observers said. Persistent demonstrations there forced President William Ruto to abandon planned tax hikes and fire his cabinet last month.
Also see taz 08.08.24: Nigerias Protestbewegung lehnt Dialog ab; AJE 02.08.24: ‘Nigerians are tired’: Protesters fed up with bad governance, soaring costs
28.08.24 Guardian: Senegal’s troubled Casamance region hopes for peace with rise of local boy to PM: Role at top of government for Ousmane Sonko brings hope for investment in isolated region marred by separatist strife
Central and Sub Saharan Africa
09.08.24 Africa Report: M23’s latest territorial gains and the impact on southern Uganda: Recent gains by M23 rebels have left them effectively in control of territories along the DRC–Ugandan southwestern frontier. This advancement is already having significant repercussions in Uganda, both diplomatically and economically.
Also see taz 06.08.24: Waffenruhe in der DR Kongo: Kongo und Ruanda haben eine Waffenruhe vereinbart. Vorher erobern die M23-Rebellen noch schnell eine Handelsstadt.
28.08.24 taz:Wieder Proteste in Kenia: Aktivisten von Nairobis Studentengewerkschaft UNSA (University of Nairobi Students Association) protestieren in der Hauptstadt gegen das Verschwinden ihres Präsidenten Rocha Madzao, der angeblich von Agenten der Staatssicherheit entführt wurde, nachdem er Demonstrationsaufrufe verbreitete.
12.08.24 AJE: Tanzania clamps down on opposition rally, arrests leaders: Police in Tanzania have detained opposition leaders and rounded up several hundred supporters as they halted a planned rally. Police action comes amid a wave of protests that has swept other parts of sub-Saharan Africa in recent weeks, including nearby Kenya and Uganda.
West Asia
04.08.24 AJE: Lebanon marks four years since Beirut port blast amid regional tensions: Protesters are to converge on the Beirut port as Lebanon marks four years since a catastrophic explosion there killed more than 220 people. Several marches are planned on Sunday to remember the victims of the blast and demand justice as fears of an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah hang heavy over the grim commemoration.
Turkey / Iraq
22.08.24 taz: Annäherung von Türkei, Irak und Syrien: Hauptsache gegen die PKK: Die Türkei verstärkt ihr Militär im Irak, künftig soll es gemeinsame Armeebasen geben. Das Ziel: Gegen die auch im Irak unbeliebtere PKK vorgehen.
29.08.24 Tagesschau: Tote nach Unwettern im Jemen: Nach schweren Regenfällen und Erdrutschen sind im Jemen mindestens 33 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Das sagte ein Vertreter der Provinz Al-Mahuit laut einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Saba, die von der Huthi-Miliz kontrolliert wird.
30.08.24 DW: Deportation flight leaves Germany for Afghanistan: A deportation flight to Afghanistan has left Germany's Leipzig/Halle Airport, the Interior Ministry for the state of Saxony said on Friday. It is the first deportation of Afghans back to their home country since the Taliban took power in Kabul in August 2021.
29.08.24 Tagesschau: Zweifelhafter Profit mit Flüchtlingen: Die Unterbringung von Asylsuchenden ist für den britischen Konzern Serco ein lukratives Geschäft. Zu niedrigen Preisen übernehmen Tochterunternehmen Unterkünfte in ganz Deutschland. Kritiker sprechen von gravierenden Mängeln.
21.ß08.24 taz: Ankündigung der Regierung: Großbritannien will mehr abschieben: Die Regierung von Premier Starmer präsentiert ein Maßnahmenpaket gegen illegale Einwanderung. So sollen unter anderem Abschiebezentren reaktiviert werden.
13.08.24 taz: Rechte Krawalle in Großbritannien: „England braucht Einwanderung“: Warum richteten sich die Ausschreitungen in England gegen Flüchtlinge und Muslime? Die Soziologin Aleksandra Lewicki macht die Politik verantwortlich. Der Brexit kam mit dem Versprechen, dass es möglich und wünschenswert wäre, die Einwanderung einzudämmen. Politiker der Konservativen Partei wie Boris Johnson wussten, dass das ein falsches Versprechen war. Aber er konnte damit Karriere machen und sogar Premierminister werden.
Also see ACLED 09.08.24: Anti-migrant rioting and anti-racist response in the UK: Far-right riots in the wake of a stabbing attack in the English northwestern town of Southport on 29 July have become an early test for the incoming Labour government. The riots, stoked by agitators amplifying anti-immigrant disinformation1 about the suspected perpetrator’s background, recall the rioting in Dublin in November 2023. Following the initial far-right rioting on 30 July, disturbances spread to at least 25 counties across the UK over the weekend of 3 to 4 August and were met with anti-racism demonstrations; AJE 04.08.24: Far-right rioters attack asylum seeker hotels in UK’s Rotherham, Tamworth
Reports and Long Reads
14.08.24 TNH: What is refugee rentierism? An explainer: In the 1960s, Iranian researcher Hossein Mahdavi developed the concept of the “rentier state” to describe countries that generate a significant portion of their income from the extraction and export of natural resources rather than taxation. Increasingly, scholars have adapted this concept – coining the phrase “refugee rentierism” – to describe the financial bargains struck between wealthier states and countries hosting large refugee populations aimed at preventing onward migration.
13.08.24 Externalizingasylum: Ausgelagertes Asyl im Spiegel der Geschichte des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystem: In diesem Beitrag möchten wir darlegen, wie sich aus der Geschichte des europäischen Migrations- und Grenzregime ergibt, dass die Externalisierung des Asyls durch so genannte Drittstaatsverfahren nicht in der Lage sein wird, die langanhaltende Krise der europäischen Migrationspolitik zu beenden. Vielmehr gehen wir davon aus, dass sie diese Krise verstärken, zur Stärkung der migrationsfeindlichen Rechten in Europa beitragen und Schaden an Demokratie und Rechtsstaat anrichten wird.
08.08.24 LMD: Aushungern: Kriegsstrategie von Sudan bis Gaza: Seit 2011 hat das Famine Review Committee (FRC) im Auftrag der UN in 20 Fällen eine „Integrierte Klassifizierung der Ernährungssicherheitsphasen“ (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, IPC) vorgenommen. Die IPC ist quasi die „Richterskala“ des Hungers und dient der Klärung, ob im jeweiligen Fall die Kriterien für eine „Hungersnot“ (famine) erfüllt sind. In 19 der 20 IPC-Verfahren ging es um einen Ernährungsnotstand, der maßgeblich durch einen Krieg verursacht war. Die einzige Ausnahme war 2021 die Hungersnot in Madagaskar
Metditerranian Sea
27.08.24 Alarmphone: Increasing calls from boats in distress between Crete, Libya and Egypt: In the last months, Alarm Phone has been in contact with multiple boats in distress close to Crete or the small island Gavdos – all of them had started from Eastern Libya. With this text we want to shed light on the calls we received from this area during the first half of this year.
23.08.24 ND: Migration: Maritimer Widerstand im Mittelmeer: Seit zehn Jahren stört die zivile Seenotrettung mit ihrer Arbeit die europäischen Staaten und ihre Grenzregime
21.07.24 Altreconomia: I diritti negati e il trattamento dei cittadini stranieri all’hotspot di Pantelleria: On the island, in a condition of total invisibility, there is a centre used for first aid and identification. Every year, almost 5,000 people, mainly of Tunisian nationality, disembark there. The Association for Legal Studies (ASGI) on Immigration visited the facility and identified a number of serious problems: from overcrowding to the lack of communication with the outside world
27.08.24 TNH: Neglected Morocco earthquake survivors struggle with slow rebuild: Nearly a year after an earthquake killed around 3,000 people and destroyed entire villages in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains, many who survived are still living in tents or temporary shelters, frustrated at the slow pace of reconstruction but also doing their best to help each other.
27.08.24 AJE: West Africa’s ‘coup belt’: Did Mali’s 2020 army takeover change the region?: More than 10 coup attempts have been recorded in Central and West Africa since the August 2020 military takeover in Mali.
08.08.24 NYT: Inside the Mountain Stronghold of an Elusive Rebel Movement: About SPLM North in Nuba mountains: As the conflict in Sudan rages on, an army has built its own state within a state — a vision of what the nation could become.
Also see FR 04.08.24: Isoliert und hungrig in den Nuba-Bergen: Hunderttausende haben sich vor dem Krieg im Sudan in die abgelegene Region geflüchtet. Dort werden Lebensmittel dramatisch knapp, und es fehlt an medizinischer Versorgung.
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Abolish Frontex: 20 years Frontex – Stop counting candles, start counting lives: Abolish Frontex!: October 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of the EU border guard agency Frontex. For these 20 long years it has spread death and insecurity. We count and mourn more than 60,620 deaths caused by the EU border regime since 1993. Frontex is a key actor in the war against people on the move and a symbol for its certain failure.
Odysseus Network, Brussels 17./18.09.24: European Asylum Legislation After the Pact