Posts tagged with 'sudan_1'

Ignoring the root causes of the disaster: the EU and Sudan

October 14th, 2024

by Horn of Africa Media Office, migration-control.infoIn June, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU circulated a paper on Sudan to the Working Party on External Aspects of …

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Bi-monthly Bulletin 3

October 14th, 2024

About this Bulletin This project, carried out by Statewatch and and funded by Brot für die Welt, Misereor, medico international and Pro Asyl, aims to make the EU’s externalisation …

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Desperation and Hope: Sudanese Refugees' Struggle in Amhara Region Camps

May 30th, 2024

For years, Sudanese refugees in the Amhara Region have endured a litany of challenges, from insecurity to environmental hazards and declining health. Their appeals for assistance have too often fallen …

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Sudan Dossier: One Year of War: Destroying the Social Fabric of Revolution

May 19th, 2024

One year of war in Sudan. In order to commemorate and to provide solid information partly from friends who have been part of the revolution, some of them still being …

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Sudan Dossier: Young refugees in Sudan between the hammer and anvil of the two generals.

April 22nd, 2024

The situation of refugees in the White Nile camps is beyond disastrous. Prison and darkness. You do not know what is going on around you. The ban on movement and …

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Sudan Dossier: The State of Horn of Africa Migration During the Sudan War

April 22nd, 2024

###Übersetzung auf Deutsch hier### IntroductionMigration has been a part of Africa's history for centuries, but the reasons for contemporary migration are different. Nowadays, people move due to political instability, economic …

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Sudan Dossier: Ein Jahr Krieg: Die Zerstörung des sozialen Geflechts der Revolution im Sudan

April 20th, 2024

Ein Jahr Krieg. Um zu gedenken, aber auch, um zu informieren, auch mit Berichten von Freund:innen, die Teil der Revolution waren, und einige von ihnen noch vor Ort, haben RLS …

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Joint Statement: Egyptian authorities must end arbitrary detentions and forced deportations of Sudanese refugees and asylum seekers.

March 28th, 2024

The undersigned organizations urge the Egyptian authorities to immediately stop the serious abuses against Sudanese seeking refuge in Egypt. After issuing Decree No. 3326 of 2023, end of August 2023, …

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