
The external borders of Europe are not in Berlin, but the border regime is allaround us. This regime consists of more than just the state. In capitalism, manyforms of border oppression are subcontracted to corporations.
Borders are very profitable. Therefore this market is dominated by huge multinational corporations. And since keywords of the European borders are militarisation and surveillance, the list of corporate border profiteers is full of the usual suspectsthat also profit from war, prisons and privacy infringement.This booklet has gathered a list of corporations that profit from deportations, from managing detention centers, from building fences, selling ships, drones or planes patrolling the Mediterranean, subcontracted security guards, providingdata collection, border surveillance software, id control mechanisms, racist policyconsultation, prison construction and any other form of oppression that limits peoples freedom of movement and right to stay.
The goal of this booklet is to promote action in Berlin and Brandenburg. Hencethe focus is very much on companies that have an office in Berlin or actionpossibilities based on local struggles.

Full title | Border Prifeteers. Corporations Profiting from Borders, Detentions and Deportations. Berlin Edition |
Author | No Border Assembly |
Publisher | No Border Assembly |
Year | 2021 |
Media type | Broshure / PDF |
Link | |
Topics | Border and Surveillance Technology & Industry |
Regions | Europe |