Signore delle Fragole (Strawberries from Spain)
Divorced or widowed, they have an average of three children and are illiterate. Portrait of the Moroccan women who pick fruit for our tables

Most of the strawberries we eat come from Spain, particularly from Andalusia, especially the Huelva area, where the sandy soil and continental climate favour growth. So far, so good. What few people know, however, is the hands that pick these strawberries and the suffering of those who work in the fields. Chadia Arab, a French geographer and researcher of Moroccan origin and author of "Strawberries. Le donne invisibili della migrazione stagionale" (Luiss University Press 2020), her first book translated into Italian. Arab is an expert on migratory flows and gender discrimination, teaches social geography and migration at the University of Angers and on Sunday 14 March at 4 p.m., together with Annalisa Camilli of Internazionale, she will tell the stories of thousands of seasonal migrants (here is the link to follow the event). Underpaid and often undeclared labourers who pick the strawberries that arrive on our tables. A very hard job based on exploitation, especially when it comes to women.
Full title | Migranti e sottopagate, le «signore delle fragole» nel Sud della Spagna |
Author | Unspecified |
Publisher | Corriere della sera |
Year | 2021 |
Media type | Article |
Link | |
Topics | Migration Routes & Transport, Migrant Labour & Exploitation |
Regions | Europe |