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Schengen Data 2022
March 9th, 2023
We publish the „Schengen Barometer +“ which the Service of the Commission has issued for the preparation of the delegations. Input was provided by the JHA Agencies (Frontex, EUAA, eu-LISA, …
Die Erfahrungen sudanesischer Migrant*innen in Libyen
March 7th, 2023
Die vielen sudanesischen Migrant*innen haben in Libyen unterschiedliche Erfahrungen gemacht. Diese Erfahrungen sind zumeist bestimmt von der ständigen Suche nach Sicherheit und einem menschenwürdigen Leben abseits der Konflikte und Kriege …
تجارب المهاجرين السودانيين في ليبيا
March 7th, 2023
عاش الكثير من المهاجرين السودانيين تجارب مختلفة في ليبيا ولكن أغلب هذه التجارب تشترك مع بعضها البعض في البحث المستمر عن الأمن والأمل والبحث عن حياة كريمة بعيداً عن النزاعات …
On the racist events in Tunisia - Background and Overview
March 6th, 2023
In recent weeks, Black people in Tunisia face a repressive wave of arbitrary arrests and police and state violence as well as attacks by civil groups. Targeting people coming from …
Monthly Review February 2023
March 5th, 2023
OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review February 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.
The experience of Sudanese migrants in Libya
March 5th, 2023
Many Sudanese migrants have gone through different experiences in Libya, but most of these experiences have in common the continuous search for security, hope and a decent life away from …
Racist and fascist attacks - Call for Donations for Black people in Tunisia
February 27th, 2023
In recent weeks, Black people in Tunisia face a repressive wave of arbitrary arrests and police and state violence as well as physical attacks by organized and non-organized civil groups. …
من القرن الأفريقي إلى المتوسط
February 24th, 2023
يمكن القول أن أخطر ما يواجه المهاجرين عبر السودان إلى ليبيا ليس العطش والضياع في الصحراء فقط بل هو الإنتشار الكبير لهذه القوات الضالعة في إنتهاكات حقوق الإنسان وفي الجرائم …
From the Horn of Africa to the Mediterranean
February 21st, 2023
The most dangerous issue facing migrants from Sudan to Libya is not thirst and losing their way in the desert. Rather, it is the large deployment of these forces involved …
Vom Horn von Afrika zum Mittelmeer
February 21st, 2023
Das gefährlichste Problem der Migranten aus dem Sudan nach Libyen ist nicht der Durst und das Verirren in der Wüste. Sondern das größte Problem ist der breite Einsatz dieser Milizen, …
Internal EU-Document: „Update on State of Play of External Cooperation“, February 2023
February 14th, 2023
This document provides an updated overview of the main external migration dialogues and processes since 2019. The document is compiled for the information of the Working Party on the External …
Monthly Review January 2023
February 6th, 2023
OUT NOW: Our Monthly Review January 2023 covering topics such as Eurafrican migration control, migration, and displacement in African countries, and news on the European border regime.